Recommended by Lee R. Lawing

  • Slow Burn
    22 Jul. 2021
    Love and relationships are hard enough to maneuver as it is, when you're girlfriend just happens to be a criminal and you a decretive, the maneuvering is amped a thousand times. I liked the beginning as it surprised me a little at what was going on. Two people at the opening of any pay drawing guns has a 50/50 chance at ending a little painfully, but this gentle comedy had me from the very start and I was happy with being caught!
  • My Dad is a Scar
    22 Jul. 2021
    Powerful and very raw. Pulling at every type of emotion in the spaces of two pages. The unknown abuse children face is unforgiveable, but when a father is suffering from PTSD, you start to see a darker and even more terrifying life for this young boy and how brave he's been up through this talk he's having with his teacher.
  • HIDE and SEEK
    21 Jul. 2021
    This play is so creepy in all the best ways. It's like a fable that parents tell their children in order to get them behave. Don't be like the siblings who went to paly hide and seek without their parents 'permission or you'll be lost forever. At turns funny, and then right back to creepy. Excellent play!
    20 Jul. 2021
    A dream come true for any playwright! Affoumado presents one playwrights adventure with a reading panel for a big festival. Funny and also just downright heartwarming, this play touches on so many feelings for any artist that reads it. Glad this was my play of the day today!
    20 Jul. 2021
    Haunting and completely mesmerizing. I was fortunate to see this performed by Karen Fraser in a recording for the NYC Equity Library Summer Festival. The performance capture perfectly the emotions of Maudie who was locked in a gilded cage by her husband who like so many men of yesterday and today unfortunately were more concerned with just the façade of marriage but not any of those duties that make people fall in love and make them more whole as a person from experiencing the sexual side of a relationship. Brava!
  • OR "the one with the dogs"
    19 Jul. 2021
    I came across this play when I saw another play by the playwright being recommended and when I went to Oglesby's home page, I saw this one and was drawn to the title at once. A title that does not let you down in any sense. Raw, gritty and funny as hell, Oglesby takes us on a emotional journey about humans trying to find love and come to terms with their own sexuality on a farm that breeds pit-bulls. This play will stick with you long after you finish it and for all the right reasons.
  • Variations on the Death of Vera
    19 Jul. 2021
    What’s the best way to cook up an urban legend of your own than over a séance and trying to figure out exactly how the ghost you are trying to contact died. This is a delightful and funny ghost tale and Paritan brings such a sparkle to the piece that you feel bewitched by the end.
  • The Long Haul (monologue)
    19 Jul. 2021
    A play that still resonates so strongly even as Covid goes away from day to day lives. The woman is so instantly relatable with her talk of iphone battery life and her worries of where to sit on the train. Days that seemed like they could never happen, but did, and this play is one of the most touching of covid monologues I’ve read due to the horror that we all face and could face again.
    19 Jul. 2021
    This monologued creeped me out. At first I was reading it thinking it was about that, but then went back to read a few times and suddenly felt Gary was a very creepy man and the situation one of horror. Great monologue that leaves so much to the imagination!
  • A Quick 15
    19 Jul. 2021
    What’s a person gotta do to get their 15-minute break. Marchant’s funny and very realistic play has Amber trying to do just that in a breakroom which we find out doesn’t sell hourglasses or even ice cream but that little snafu finally gives her those free moments to finish out her 15 like she wanted to.
