Recommended by Greg Vovos

  • Babel
    12 Mar. 2020
    A powerful, poignant, inventive play that brilliantly uses the future to speak to today. Characters with depth, and a story that moves at the perfect pace to its explosive, inevitable ending. Beautifully crafted. I would love to direct this piece.
  • Mockingbird
    2 Mar. 2020
    This is a beautiful and moving play with a generous, complex, and understanding heart. It should be produced in theatres and schools across America, although adults might actually benefit more from its human lessons. Jensen's writing is emotionally-charged, funny, and poetic. MOCKINGBIRD will stay with audience members long after they leave the theatre. I'm grateful to have seen it.
  • Lombardo
    10 Jan. 2020
    This is a hilarious look at Lombardo’s life. Love the meta-theatre exploration of playwriting dramaturgy that won’t alienate an audience, but rather bring them into the joke. I bet this would be hilarious to see. I could think of a thousand actresses that would kill in the role of Lilliebell. Smart, economical, inventive, and lots of fun. Happy New Year.
  • 153
    6 Sep. 2019
    This piece has a beautiful magic to it, along with a generous and wise heart. It is full of surprise and humanity in all the best ways. I would love to see this play live and experience the theatrical delight of this piece as intended. I always love when I read a play that breathes as only a play can. Wonderful.
  • The Way I Danced With You (The George Michael Play)
    13 May. 2019
    This fascinating two-hander takes us on a unique journey through love and regret. Intimate, entertaining, and fun, Mr. Hansen's play explores what could've been and what we could've done better...especially as it applies to love. And who can't relate to that? A perfect piece for two strong actors who want to show their range, and directors who love to work with intimate relationships and make compelling discoveries. Theatres will find this piece resonates with audiences of all ages--some who see themselves in the characters' journeys, and some who may be getting a peak into what will be. Recommend!
    28 Feb. 2019
    Oh, man, this is such a fun piece! As someone who has kids Unicorn Kid’s age, I would love for them to perform this. It’s a monologue that will give a young actor the chance to have fun, truly express, be bold, and have an important say in what matters in life. Not to mention that this is an issue that is at the core of young kids across the globe. I just really love the fun, thoughtful approach that Asher brings to this monologue. And I really love Unicorn Kid.
  • A Humble Path [a monologue]
    29 Dec. 2018
    Steven has created a darkly compelling look into the heart of a troubled soul. At first glance, it seems we know where this play will lead us, but as the character takes us on his own harrowing, internal journey we are drawn in and can even — dare I say — relate. A tremendous piece that will give an actor the opportunity to connect with an audience on a deep level. Also, has one of my favorite descriptions of a person's heart I've ever come across. But I'll leave that as a surprise. Would love to see this play live!
