Recommended by Ross Tedford Kendall

  • Ross Tedford Kendall: A Haunted House

    A play that shows some of the most frightening things are not supernatural, though there is definitely a ghostly vibe through the entire play. The characters are distinct, the dialogue flows beautifully, and the playwright sets things up that pay off much later, lending a sure hand to this fantastic tale of the spooky family past.

    A play that shows some of the most frightening things are not supernatural, though there is definitely a ghostly vibe through the entire play. The characters are distinct, the dialogue flows beautifully, and the playwright sets things up that pay off much later, lending a sure hand to this fantastic tale of the spooky family past.

  • Ross Tedford Kendall: To The Moon!

    A great little piece that shows the lengths some people will go to maintain a lie, even to another heavenly body. Especially great is that the characters' actions often go against what they say. Great subtext and efficient storytelling make this piece at home with any festival.

    A great little piece that shows the lengths some people will go to maintain a lie, even to another heavenly body. Especially great is that the characters' actions often go against what they say. Great subtext and efficient storytelling make this piece at home with any festival.

  • Ross Tedford Kendall: THE ARRIVAL OF A TRAIN

    Playwright Carnes has a knack for finding the forgotten people in history and providing them with a spotlight, including the women who were instrumental yet unsung. Such historical preservation cannot be overstated. The playwright fully fleshes out our protagonist, and gives us an insight into her actions that paved the path for filmmaking that persists to this day.

    Playwright Carnes has a knack for finding the forgotten people in history and providing them with a spotlight, including the women who were instrumental yet unsung. Such historical preservation cannot be overstated. The playwright fully fleshes out our protagonist, and gives us an insight into her actions that paved the path for filmmaking that persists to this day.

  • Ross Tedford Kendall: The Star

    A hilarious play revolving around the personalities and culture of putting on a high school production. The characters are well drawn, and the plot relates to anyone who attended high school and saw the selfishness and egotistic power plays that occurred.

    A hilarious play revolving around the personalities and culture of putting on a high school production. The characters are well drawn, and the plot relates to anyone who attended high school and saw the selfishness and egotistic power plays that occurred.

  • Ross Tedford Kendall: SEEN

    A clever and fun horror piece amplified by the nature of live theatre putting you right there. Great humor, and fantastic thrills as the story twists upon itself. Great job!

    A clever and fun horror piece amplified by the nature of live theatre putting you right there. Great humor, and fantastic thrills as the story twists upon itself. Great job!

  • Ross Tedford Kendall: APEX PREDATOR

    Such a harrowing situation captured by the playwright. Two men who see nothing wrong with what they're doing put a woman in a very dangerous position. A sobering reminder of what toxic masculinity does.

    Such a harrowing situation captured by the playwright. Two men who see nothing wrong with what they're doing put a woman in a very dangerous position. A sobering reminder of what toxic masculinity does.

  • Ross Tedford Kendall: THE SEAHORSE (Monologue Version)

    A touching, insightful monologue where the innocence of childhood is often intruded upon by bigotry. You really feel for Greg's predicament in this. Such a great little piece.

    A touching, insightful monologue where the innocence of childhood is often intruded upon by bigotry. You really feel for Greg's predicament in this. Such a great little piece.

  • Ross Tedford Kendall: Eighty-Seven Keys (a monologue)

    Poignant, heartfelt, and genuine, a eulogy to a friend that really touches our emotions. I can't think of a better memorial to someone, and I feel that the writer lets me know someone I've never met.

    Poignant, heartfelt, and genuine, a eulogy to a friend that really touches our emotions. I can't think of a better memorial to someone, and I feel that the writer lets me know someone I've never met.

  • Ross Tedford Kendall: The Brothers Paranormal

    One of the great aspects of the horror genre is the surprise of the unknown, and this play continually surprises us. The real stakes of the characters nicely balances the fantasy elements, and the genuine emotions they feel brings us in. Nice touches on family history and heritage abound as well. A beautiful piece.

    One of the great aspects of the horror genre is the surprise of the unknown, and this play continually surprises us. The real stakes of the characters nicely balances the fantasy elements, and the genuine emotions they feel brings us in. Nice touches on family history and heritage abound as well. A beautiful piece.

  • Ross Tedford Kendall: PRACTICE HOUSE

    A funny and frightening piece that details some very concerning subjects that we thought were in the past, but could creep up again. The playwright presents some very powerful characters all in conflict, with shifting alliances, fierce turns, and detailed representations. Is this play a document, or a warning? Possibly both. A fantastic piece.

    A funny and frightening piece that details some very concerning subjects that we thought were in the past, but could creep up again. The playwright presents some very powerful characters all in conflict, with shifting alliances, fierce turns, and detailed representations. Is this play a document, or a warning? Possibly both. A fantastic piece.