Recommended by Ross Tedford Kendall

  • Ross Tedford Kendall: Type 1

    What I like about this play is there is no easy, feel good ending. It puts it on the audience to take away the importance of the theme. A nice little piece to remind us of the consequences of the real world.

    What I like about this play is there is no easy, feel good ending. It puts it on the audience to take away the importance of the theme. A nice little piece to remind us of the consequences of the real world.

  • Ross Tedford Kendall: STAFF RETREAT

    This play is so well written. The flow and intricacies of the dialog matched with the power of the theme make this an unforgettable experience. Playwright Femia makes each character distinct, and keeps you guessing what will happen until the end. I particularly like the clever use of the setting, both the physical place and the idea of a staff retreat, both used to full effect. Great job!

    This play is so well written. The flow and intricacies of the dialog matched with the power of the theme make this an unforgettable experience. Playwright Femia makes each character distinct, and keeps you guessing what will happen until the end. I particularly like the clever use of the setting, both the physical place and the idea of a staff retreat, both used to full effect. Great job!

  • Ross Tedford Kendall: Lack of Moisture

    A sharp play that keeps you guessing where it is going until it lands its knockout blow. The use of crossword is clever and metaphoric, and the play makes its point without overburdening the story.

    A sharp play that keeps you guessing where it is going until it lands its knockout blow. The use of crossword is clever and metaphoric, and the play makes its point without overburdening the story.

  • Ross Tedford Kendall: Refugee Rhapsody

    A stunningly rich piece that explores the complex situations revolving around class, race, and the haves and have-nots. The characters are brought into a world they long for, but the prices they all pay are high. Adept use of flashbacks, mindscapes, and straightforward scenes make this highly theatrical.

    A stunningly rich piece that explores the complex situations revolving around class, race, and the haves and have-nots. The characters are brought into a world they long for, but the prices they all pay are high. Adept use of flashbacks, mindscapes, and straightforward scenes make this highly theatrical.

  • Ross Tedford Kendall: What Happened at Tommy's

    It's hard to write anything about this play without spoiling it, but I can say that everything is pitch perfect. Definitely check this one out!

    It's hard to write anything about this play without spoiling it, but I can say that everything is pitch perfect. Definitely check this one out!

  • Ross Tedford Kendall: Memory

    Playwright Feeny-Williams constructs a suspenseful, taut little thriller/procedural with this piece. A nice little genre play for a themed festival, or any festival where you want to shake things up or end on a bang.

    Playwright Feeny-Williams constructs a suspenseful, taut little thriller/procedural with this piece. A nice little genre play for a themed festival, or any festival where you want to shake things up or end on a bang.


    Comedy is alive and well when you read this play. The playwright takes an odd premise and runs with it, and by the middle you're actually hoping the characters achieve what they're trying to do. That in itself made me laugh, but I was also very amused by the characters themselves, the dialog, and the rapid complications that ensued. Fantastic, funny play!

    Comedy is alive and well when you read this play. The playwright takes an odd premise and runs with it, and by the middle you're actually hoping the characters achieve what they're trying to do. That in itself made me laugh, but I was also very amused by the characters themselves, the dialog, and the rapid complications that ensued. Fantastic, funny play!

  • Ross Tedford Kendall: When Life Gives You Lemons (10 Minute Play)

    A play that touches on some tough subjects, and draws on the conflict that results. You really feel for both the son and the mother as they both process the recent events in their own way. The frustration and love comes across simultaneously. A real feat of playwriting.

    A play that touches on some tough subjects, and draws on the conflict that results. You really feel for both the son and the mother as they both process the recent events in their own way. The frustration and love comes across simultaneously. A real feat of playwriting.

  • Ross Tedford Kendall: THE MADNESS OF MEMORY (from the MAD FOR MYSTERY Collection)

    This play takes a short moment in two people's lives and changes everything. You follow along, trying to unravel the mystery as they unravel the past, and the conclusion leaves you stunned. A fine play!

    This play takes a short moment in two people's lives and changes everything. You follow along, trying to unravel the mystery as they unravel the past, and the conclusion leaves you stunned. A fine play!

  • Ross Tedford Kendall: Flying Fish

    A great piece that explores the nature of feminism and what it means to individual women. Funny and poignant, which is a tough match to pull off, this play sails along. A nice play to include in a ten minute play festival.

    A great piece that explores the nature of feminism and what it means to individual women. Funny and poignant, which is a tough match to pull off, this play sails along. A nice play to include in a ten minute play festival.