Recommended by Ross Tedford Kendall

  • Ross Tedford Kendall: Invisible Foe

    A touching and sensitive play that hits on our concerns about the pandemic and the toll it takes, while at the same time inspiring hope. A play that shows what theatre can really do.

    A touching and sensitive play that hits on our concerns about the pandemic and the toll it takes, while at the same time inspiring hope. A play that shows what theatre can really do.

  • Ross Tedford Kendall: A Spirited Manor - A Victorian Penny Dreadful

    Balancing horror and humor is a tough task, and yet playwright Danley manages both. The innovative shifting set, creative use of lighting and theatrical devices, and the ratcheting tension of the terror are all lessons one can learn from this play. A fantastic and entertaining piece!

    Balancing horror and humor is a tough task, and yet playwright Danley manages both. The innovative shifting set, creative use of lighting and theatrical devices, and the ratcheting tension of the terror are all lessons one can learn from this play. A fantastic and entertaining piece!

  • Ross Tedford Kendall: Mina, Dina, Tina, and Bean’s Completely Average Pandemic Pod Powerpoint Party

    A spooky little play that makes really good use of the Zoom format. Using the tools of the software, the playwright paints a great little picture that is actually scary. A huge feat!

    A spooky little play that makes really good use of the Zoom format. Using the tools of the software, the playwright paints a great little picture that is actually scary. A huge feat!

  • Ross Tedford Kendall: Growl

    A guard seemingly with all the power pitted against an elderly poet sets up a memorable clash. What I particularly liked is that the poet still loves her country, even when she doesn't like the way it is run. She is not shy about expressing it, even in the face of what could happen. A great short piece.

    A guard seemingly with all the power pitted against an elderly poet sets up a memorable clash. What I particularly liked is that the poet still loves her country, even when she doesn't like the way it is run. She is not shy about expressing it, even in the face of what could happen. A great short piece.

  • Ross Tedford Kendall: Too Hard A Knot - a short play

    A really spooky play that keeps you guessing where it is heading. The Shakespeare touches are great, and this would be a fine piece for any horror or thriller festival.

    A really spooky play that keeps you guessing where it is heading. The Shakespeare touches are great, and this would be a fine piece for any horror or thriller festival.

  • Ross Tedford Kendall: Bravery and the Saboteur - A Ten Minute TYA Play

    A really innovative use of puppetry, multiple locations and double casting to convey a really cool story. This play fires on all cylinders.

    A really innovative use of puppetry, multiple locations and double casting to convey a really cool story. This play fires on all cylinders.

  • Ross Tedford Kendall: Petrified Forest

    A great little thriller that doesn't skimp on the emotion or the atmosphere. The setting gives the impression of isolation, while the characters hold your attention.

    A great little thriller that doesn't skimp on the emotion or the atmosphere. The setting gives the impression of isolation, while the characters hold your attention.

  • Ross Tedford Kendall: Baby Einstein on the Beach

    I really liked this. Not only does it pay homage and provide gentle parody to the original, it evokes memories, both good and bad, in such a short time. Plus, I think I had that same toy car when I was a kid!

    I really liked this. Not only does it pay homage and provide gentle parody to the original, it evokes memories, both good and bad, in such a short time. Plus, I think I had that same toy car when I was a kid!

  • Ross Tedford Kendall: Blocked

    A surprisingly complex play that really hits with emotion. You feel for all three characters, and the play is fair to who they truly are. No easy answers with this one. I'd love to see this staged to get the full effect.

    A surprisingly complex play that really hits with emotion. You feel for all three characters, and the play is fair to who they truly are. No easy answers with this one. I'd love to see this staged to get the full effect.

  • Ross Tedford Kendall: American Love

    Highly entertaining, with a good message about what love is and where we often find it. I particularly like the use of time, going forwards and backwards, to put everything in perspective.

    Highly entertaining, with a good message about what love is and where we often find it. I particularly like the use of time, going forwards and backwards, to put everything in perspective.