Recommended by Ross Tedford Kendall

  • Ross Tedford Kendall: THE TALK

    A great little piece that illustrates a common dilemma; not wanting to talk about something that you have to talk about. A hilarious take on a rite of passage.

    A great little piece that illustrates a common dilemma; not wanting to talk about something that you have to talk about. A hilarious take on a rite of passage.

  • Ross Tedford Kendall: Use Your Noodles

    Using philosophy as subtext is inspired at the very least. An enjoyable little romantic comedy that is fast paced, satisfying, and hilarious. A real hidden gem!

    Using philosophy as subtext is inspired at the very least. An enjoyable little romantic comedy that is fast paced, satisfying, and hilarious. A real hidden gem!

  • Ross Tedford Kendall: Ain't Missin' Dinner!

    Great songs and a lively pace energize this unique musical. The setting is unique, and the audience interaction is inspired. A piece that will surely intrigue theatregoers and anyone who has tried every diet.

    Great songs and a lively pace energize this unique musical. The setting is unique, and the audience interaction is inspired. A piece that will surely intrigue theatregoers and anyone who has tried every diet.

  • Ross Tedford Kendall: Morning After the Melee

    The symbolism is heavy without being heavy-handed in this fine ten minute piece by Sickles. The playwright humanizes the characters with real conditions that are only now being recognized, and places them in a backdrop that is high adventure and purely theatrical.

    The symbolism is heavy without being heavy-handed in this fine ten minute piece by Sickles. The playwright humanizes the characters with real conditions that are only now being recognized, and places them in a backdrop that is high adventure and purely theatrical.

  • Ross Tedford Kendall: Playthings

    The ending of this play made me reread it. It puts everything in a new light. An awesome little piece for a darker edged play festival.

    The ending of this play made me reread it. It puts everything in a new light. An awesome little piece for a darker edged play festival.

  • Ross Tedford Kendall: WAKE

    A particularly spooky play with a surprising twist. Not wanting to give anything away, but the play works all the angles, bringing up some excellent ghost stories to set the mood, yet staying within an emotional journey that we follow to a satisfying conclusion. This play would work for a Halloween/October program, or for any time of the year, really.

    A particularly spooky play with a surprising twist. Not wanting to give anything away, but the play works all the angles, bringing up some excellent ghost stories to set the mood, yet staying within an emotional journey that we follow to a satisfying conclusion. This play would work for a Halloween/October program, or for any time of the year, really.

  • Ross Tedford Kendall: From the Top

    A play that explores memories of assault and the conflicting way people express those memories. Nothing is quite as it seems, and that proves to be a deliberate choice. The deft handling of the emotions is particularly insightful.

    A play that explores memories of assault and the conflicting way people express those memories. Nothing is quite as it seems, and that proves to be a deliberate choice. The deft handling of the emotions is particularly insightful.

  • Ross Tedford Kendall: Eight Drafts of a Letter Never Sent (Ten Minute Play)

    A play that reminds us that the past often informs the present. The ghosts of Kate's youth dog her to this day, but she is determined to somehow reconcile it. A fine little piece that reminds us of what is important in regards to relationships and memories.

    A play that reminds us that the past often informs the present. The ghosts of Kate's youth dog her to this day, but she is determined to somehow reconcile it. A fine little piece that reminds us of what is important in regards to relationships and memories.

  • Ross Tedford Kendall: Imperfect Storms

    A very imaginative play that shows the bonds of love and the complications that both circumstances and nature can throw at it. The playwright deftly avoids any easy answers, and follows the characters to a satisfying conclusion. An evocative setting and non-conventional characters make this an intriguing piece.

    A very imaginative play that shows the bonds of love and the complications that both circumstances and nature can throw at it. The playwright deftly avoids any easy answers, and follows the characters to a satisfying conclusion. An evocative setting and non-conventional characters make this an intriguing piece.

  • Ross Tedford Kendall: Two Girls

    Innovative in its structure, and moving in its message, Two Girls strikes into the heart of a tough subject, and never lets up. It's both brutal in its imagery, and yet sensitive in its overall theme. A masterful work.

    Innovative in its structure, and moving in its message, Two Girls strikes into the heart of a tough subject, and never lets up. It's both brutal in its imagery, and yet sensitive in its overall theme. A masterful work.