Recommended by Ross Tedford Kendall

  • Ross Tedford Kendall: Lack of Inspiration

    A great rumination on the creative process and inspiration. The character Max and his foil Jennifer go back and forth over his play, all the while you learn about Max's personal life. A fine little play.

    A great rumination on the creative process and inspiration. The character Max and his foil Jennifer go back and forth over his play, all the while you learn about Max's personal life. A fine little play.

  • Ross Tedford Kendall: Sputnik

    What I like about this play is its commitment to its character. It truly feels like the words of a wrestler working in the deeply segregated South of 1960. The racial backdrop brings another level as well, giving the play a sense of right and wrong, and a hero to root for.

    What I like about this play is its commitment to its character. It truly feels like the words of a wrestler working in the deeply segregated South of 1960. The racial backdrop brings another level as well, giving the play a sense of right and wrong, and a hero to root for.

  • Ross Tedford Kendall: Gibraltar

    Hauntingly lyrical, with an emotional depth few can match, this play will stick with you. The playwright paints a vivid portrait of these eight characters, weaving their stories in and out of each other. Beautiful writing.

    Hauntingly lyrical, with an emotional depth few can match, this play will stick with you. The playwright paints a vivid portrait of these eight characters, weaving their stories in and out of each other. Beautiful writing.

  • Ross Tedford Kendall: The Silence of My Lonely Room

    A gripping play about past trauma, for both characters. The two relive the old wounds, both literally and figuratively, and manage to find a way to heal. The play moves briskly, making its compelling narrative into an emotional force.

    A gripping play about past trauma, for both characters. The two relive the old wounds, both literally and figuratively, and manage to find a way to heal. The play moves briskly, making its compelling narrative into an emotional force.

  • Ross Tedford Kendall: An Apéritif [a 1-minute play]

    Some plays are just a compelling little slice of life, and this is one of them. It really delivers everything in one minute.

    Some plays are just a compelling little slice of life, and this is one of them. It really delivers everything in one minute.

  • Ross Tedford Kendall: PERSONAL BEST (A teeny Valentine for Zoom)

    A very funny little play that really takes advantage of the Zoom medium. In a year of uncertainty, we really need plays like this.

    A very funny little play that really takes advantage of the Zoom medium. In a year of uncertainty, we really need plays like this.

  • Ross Tedford Kendall: Lilies

    This play really shows how to leave things unsaid until absolutely necessary. The playwright brings his characters to life with a touching play about two people who loved someone very much in very different ways, and still finding common ground. Though ostensibly about a death, the play becomes life affirming.

    This play really shows how to leave things unsaid until absolutely necessary. The playwright brings his characters to life with a touching play about two people who loved someone very much in very different ways, and still finding common ground. Though ostensibly about a death, the play becomes life affirming.

  • Ross Tedford Kendall: Second Shot

    The horror and devastation of the pandemic are quietly told in this remarkable little play. The characters feel real and alive, even when they discuss a deadly subject.

    The horror and devastation of the pandemic are quietly told in this remarkable little play. The characters feel real and alive, even when they discuss a deadly subject.

  • Ross Tedford Kendall: And Twice On Sunday

    A hysterical comedy that anyone can enjoy. The tropes of the spy genre are played up and then turned on their head. To say anymore would spoil the fun. Great job!

    A hysterical comedy that anyone can enjoy. The tropes of the spy genre are played up and then turned on their head. To say anymore would spoil the fun. Great job!

  • Ross Tedford Kendall: Runed (a spoof of M.R. James' "Casting the Runes")

    A very funny and twisted piece about a curse, and the struggles of the characters to rid themselves of it. Suspenseful as well as hilarious, this is a real audience pleaser.

    A very funny and twisted piece about a curse, and the struggles of the characters to rid themselves of it. Suspenseful as well as hilarious, this is a real audience pleaser.