Recommended by Ross Tedford Kendall

  • Ross Tedford Kendall: 61 Inches and a Thousand Trillion Tons: A Nightmarish Maritime Lullaby for Plaza Perimeter People

    A lyrical gem of a play. The playwright weaves language and characters in and out through a literal and figurative journey, bringing the audience right along with them. A great piece.

    A lyrical gem of a play. The playwright weaves language and characters in and out through a literal and figurative journey, bringing the audience right along with them. A great piece.

  • Ross Tedford Kendall: Party Favors

    A very funny and timely play about the political "games" and behind the scenes machinations. Anyone wondering why the system is so broken will find this play right up their alley. Great characters and dialog bring the whole thing home. Great job!

    A very funny and timely play about the political "games" and behind the scenes machinations. Anyone wondering why the system is so broken will find this play right up their alley. Great characters and dialog bring the whole thing home. Great job!

  • Ross Tedford Kendall: THE JOYS OF CHRISTMAS (Monologue)

    A great little character piece of a woman who escapes into fantasy, and yet even there she cannot get away from being confronted about her condition. A fine monologue.

    A great little character piece of a woman who escapes into fantasy, and yet even there she cannot get away from being confronted about her condition. A fine monologue.

  • Ross Tedford Kendall: BUBBLE

    The pandemic has destroyed livelihoods and created new opportunities. Playwright Maisel explores both in a quirky play that shows two women trying to cope and look for a way through the lockdowns. The expertly woven story really keeps you in suspense, and the characters are a delight.

    The pandemic has destroyed livelihoods and created new opportunities. Playwright Maisel explores both in a quirky play that shows two women trying to cope and look for a way through the lockdowns. The expertly woven story really keeps you in suspense, and the characters are a delight.

  • Ross Tedford Kendall: ADAGIO

    A very taught and well-written thriller, yet with a humanity that pervades the entire piece. Grief can often push people their limits, and Adagio proves this in a very brief time. A great short play that any festival would be proud to stage.

    A very taught and well-written thriller, yet with a humanity that pervades the entire piece. Grief can often push people their limits, and Adagio proves this in a very brief time. A great short play that any festival would be proud to stage.

  • Ross Tedford Kendall: Reykjavík

    This play is stunning in its breadth and depth. The playwright moves effortlessly from scene to scene, creating characters who feel as real as anyone you've met. You run through just about every emotion as the play rolls along. A must read!

    This play is stunning in its breadth and depth. The playwright moves effortlessly from scene to scene, creating characters who feel as real as anyone you've met. You run through just about every emotion as the play rolls along. A must read!

  • Ross Tedford Kendall: Mutts

    A very funny, short-but-sweet little play that shows that we all share something with one another.

    A very funny, short-but-sweet little play that shows that we all share something with one another.

  • Ross Tedford Kendall: Nightmare

    A powerful monologue that shows the emotional toil front line health workers go through. A wakeup call to everyone that this pandemic has far more devastating consequences than just the statistics.

    A powerful monologue that shows the emotional toil front line health workers go through. A wakeup call to everyone that this pandemic has far more devastating consequences than just the statistics.

  • Ross Tedford Kendall: At Your Disposal

    A funny and spooky short play that twists and turns, plays on your expectations and then subverts them. This would be right at home in a similar themed festival.

    A funny and spooky short play that twists and turns, plays on your expectations and then subverts them. This would be right at home in a similar themed festival.

  • Ross Tedford Kendall: alex getting better

    Many plays would take the plotted route, to show "what happened." This play goes for the feeling and emotion, showing the true devastation and healing that takes place in the aftermath of assault. The play is fair to every character, making it a complicated situation with no easy answers. A very admirable play.

    Many plays would take the plotted route, to show "what happened." This play goes for the feeling and emotion, showing the true devastation and healing that takes place in the aftermath of assault. The play is fair to every character, making it a complicated situation with no easy answers. A very admirable play.