Recommended by Ross Tedford Kendall

  • Ross Tedford Kendall: Satellite

    Humans often assume things. We use it as an excuse to not think too much. And this play delves into the consequences of these actions. Even though the play takes place in the past, it speaks to our current world. A great reminder that we need to be mindful of how we judge someone without getting to know them yet.

    Humans often assume things. We use it as an excuse to not think too much. And this play delves into the consequences of these actions. Even though the play takes place in the past, it speaks to our current world. A great reminder that we need to be mindful of how we judge someone without getting to know them yet.

  • Ross Tedford Kendall: Textual Abuse

    A play that shows the perilous discourse in using text messages to communicate, and the (often unreasonable) expectations that it can create. But it really gets to the heart of insecurities that often interfere with forming relationships. Playwright Sansone-Braff has both a talent in creating text-speak and delving into the heart of what makes us tick.

    A play that shows the perilous discourse in using text messages to communicate, and the (often unreasonable) expectations that it can create. But it really gets to the heart of insecurities that often interfere with forming relationships. Playwright Sansone-Braff has both a talent in creating text-speak and delving into the heart of what makes us tick.

  • Ross Tedford Kendall: TAP. TAP. TAP.

    This play really draws you in and ratchets up the tension. Innovative use of the Zoom format as well.

    This play really draws you in and ratchets up the tension. Innovative use of the Zoom format as well.

  • Ross Tedford Kendall: Ta-Da or Toodle-Oo

    This is an outright hysterical play. The premise alone is funny, but the playwright really takes the characters through the ins and outs of a working relationship that is anything but conventional. Added that the two come to a final understanding, the play is also very touching. Well done!

    This is an outright hysterical play. The premise alone is funny, but the playwright really takes the characters through the ins and outs of a working relationship that is anything but conventional. Added that the two come to a final understanding, the play is also very touching. Well done!

  • Ross Tedford Kendall: Five Frickin Winters

    A great, complex play about the prickly pitfalls of romance and infidelity. Each character's point of view is sharply realized, and the story doesn't spare any of them from their own flaws. This would be a great four-hander, especially for actors in the age range of the characters.

    A great, complex play about the prickly pitfalls of romance and infidelity. Each character's point of view is sharply realized, and the story doesn't spare any of them from their own flaws. This would be a great four-hander, especially for actors in the age range of the characters.

  • Ross Tedford Kendall: A Single F*cking Retweet

    The playwright really mines for deep emotions in this play, all in ten minutes. The subject matter(s) are timely, but the characters are what really sell this. In particular, the play depicts the lightning fast repercussions that accompany social media and what happens when the powers that be don't like what you have to say, or even to what you show support. But even that can have consequences in and of itself. Well done!

    The playwright really mines for deep emotions in this play, all in ten minutes. The subject matter(s) are timely, but the characters are what really sell this. In particular, the play depicts the lightning fast repercussions that accompany social media and what happens when the powers that be don't like what you have to say, or even to what you show support. But even that can have consequences in and of itself. Well done!

  • Ross Tedford Kendall: Ricky and Ready

    Hilarious and heartbreaking, this play expertly weaves the story of a mother and daughter who have very different approaches to dealing with a devastating family illness. The play avoids any easy answers, but instead builds to a climax that leaves the audience hopeful, even when facing the inevitable. An excellent play.

    Hilarious and heartbreaking, this play expertly weaves the story of a mother and daughter who have very different approaches to dealing with a devastating family illness. The play avoids any easy answers, but instead builds to a climax that leaves the audience hopeful, even when facing the inevitable. An excellent play.

  • Ross Tedford Kendall: Under Multicolored Lights

    I found this play captivating. It starts going down one path, but then defies expectations. I especially love the playwright's use of lights and sound to suggest the world. Theatrical and compelling.

    I found this play captivating. It starts going down one path, but then defies expectations. I especially love the playwright's use of lights and sound to suggest the world. Theatrical and compelling.

  • Ross Tedford Kendall: GOLDFISH MOBILITY

    A great little monologue about our current online culture and the desire to be heard. The metaphor of the mobile goldfish and the person who wants to have their voice matter are a great comparison and contrast.

    A great little monologue about our current online culture and the desire to be heard. The metaphor of the mobile goldfish and the person who wants to have their voice matter are a great comparison and contrast.

  • Ross Tedford Kendall: What Happens After

    A wonderful play about an ultimately unknowable situation. The story reminds us about the importance of connections, across time and life, to make everything meaningful.

    A wonderful play about an ultimately unknowable situation. The story reminds us about the importance of connections, across time and life, to make everything meaningful.