Recommended by Ross Tedford Kendall

  • Ross Tedford Kendall: Mirrors

    A work of heartwrenching honesty about the devastation of sexual assault and the aftermath. Playwright Femia writes about two women and the fears and experiences they often tragically share. A call to all people that this situation is very real.

    A work of heartwrenching honesty about the devastation of sexual assault and the aftermath. Playwright Femia writes about two women and the fears and experiences they often tragically share. A call to all people that this situation is very real.

  • Ross Tedford Kendall: The Matrimony Experiment

    I love plays that work from a central conceit and weave a story from that. The great thing about this is that it doesn't spell out everything all at once, but constructs a very believable conversation from the characters. They slowly draw you into their situation. This is a masterful short work.

    I love plays that work from a central conceit and weave a story from that. The great thing about this is that it doesn't spell out everything all at once, but constructs a very believable conversation from the characters. They slowly draw you into their situation. This is a masterful short work.

  • Ross Tedford Kendall: MY PARADISE ISLAND

    This was a very fun piece. Everyone dreams of getting away from it all, and this one brings the premise to life; but like all dreams, one cannot fully escape the chains of life. A great short play that brings two older actors into the spotlight. We need more like this.

    This was a very fun piece. Everyone dreams of getting away from it all, and this one brings the premise to life; but like all dreams, one cannot fully escape the chains of life. A great short play that brings two older actors into the spotlight. We need more like this.

  • Ross Tedford Kendall: The Camera, The Gerbil, and the Big, Wide World

    A very moving play that hits squarely about the value of childhood friendships, while also exploring the emotional resonance of those same friendships. That's something that is rarely explored, and I really liked that the playwright sought that out.

    A very moving play that hits squarely about the value of childhood friendships, while also exploring the emotional resonance of those same friendships. That's something that is rarely explored, and I really liked that the playwright sought that out.

  • Ross Tedford Kendall: Marked for Deletion

    A very timely play about the consequences of cost cutting and the value of human beings in the modern workforce. Should give the audience a lot to think about.

    A very timely play about the consequences of cost cutting and the value of human beings in the modern workforce. Should give the audience a lot to think about.

  • Ross Tedford Kendall: LAUDANUM

    A unique and striking approach to conveying the mindscape of addiction. The playwright deftly moves through time and space, hitting the audience with the emotion and the experience. Well done!

    A unique and striking approach to conveying the mindscape of addiction. The playwright deftly moves through time and space, hitting the audience with the emotion and the experience. Well done!

  • Ross Tedford Kendall: A Moment of Clarity

    What I love about this play is that the playwright didn't go for the obvious, but instead shows moments of connection that the characters still share. It's a touching, moving story about family, love, and dealing with the painful realities of life in a hopeful way.

    What I love about this play is that the playwright didn't go for the obvious, but instead shows moments of connection that the characters still share. It's a touching, moving story about family, love, and dealing with the painful realities of life in a hopeful way.

  • Ross Tedford Kendall: LUNCH MONEY, a 10-minute play

    Funny, and at times heartbreaking, playwright Arianna really goes for the emotion in this little play. I think everyone will leave the theatre remembering this one.

    Funny, and at times heartbreaking, playwright Arianna really goes for the emotion in this little play. I think everyone will leave the theatre remembering this one.

  • Ross Tedford Kendall: Miss Stump's Got It

    A very funny comedy about libraries and the information within, and the dedicated people who bring it to us. This play catches us right away with our protagonist, Enid Stump, and the lengths she goes to get the bit of trivia to help someone. Would be right at home in any ten minute play festival.

    A very funny comedy about libraries and the information within, and the dedicated people who bring it to us. This play catches us right away with our protagonist, Enid Stump, and the lengths she goes to get the bit of trivia to help someone. Would be right at home in any ten minute play festival.

  • Ross Tedford Kendall: Welcome to Matteson!

    A stunning play. The playwright presents a perspective that many may not have even considered, and yet exists in the framework of our society. The story is fair to all characters, and presents their points of view while making its larger statement. This play works on so many levels.

    A stunning play. The playwright presents a perspective that many may not have even considered, and yet exists in the framework of our society. The story is fair to all characters, and presents their points of view while making its larger statement. This play works on so many levels.