Recommended by Ross Tedford Kendall

  • Ross Tedford Kendall: W OR M?

    What I like about this play is the optimistic spirit the playwright has for the situation depicted. The dialogue bounces quickly and the characters are great. A fine little piece.

    What I like about this play is the optimistic spirit the playwright has for the situation depicted. The dialogue bounces quickly and the characters are great. A fine little piece.

  • Ross Tedford Kendall: HIBERNUS

    Very evocative, and taking what most would say is a miserable time of the year and showing the beauty and reverence. I've always liked how awe-inspiring winter can be, and this monologue proves it.

    Very evocative, and taking what most would say is a miserable time of the year and showing the beauty and reverence. I've always liked how awe-inspiring winter can be, and this monologue proves it.

  • Ross Tedford Kendall: ICE IS NICE

    A funny little play with a great twist at the end. To say more would ruin it, but I love the uniqueness of the setting, the well drawn characters for such a small piece, and how it becomes a complete package in the end.

    A funny little play with a great twist at the end. To say more would ruin it, but I love the uniqueness of the setting, the well drawn characters for such a small piece, and how it becomes a complete package in the end.

  • Ross Tedford Kendall: That Good Night

    I particularly like this play for its quiet conflict, with both characters opposed just enough to keep the drama while arriving at a beautiful conclusion. Both characters' humanity are spotlit nicely as well.

    I particularly like this play for its quiet conflict, with both characters opposed just enough to keep the drama while arriving at a beautiful conclusion. Both characters' humanity are spotlit nicely as well.

  • Ross Tedford Kendall: Wait - A monologue

    Powerful memories abound in this quiet but moving monologue. I particularly love the attention to detail the writer puts forth, giving a complete mental picture of boyhood, growing up, and a mother's love.

    Powerful memories abound in this quiet but moving monologue. I particularly love the attention to detail the writer puts forth, giving a complete mental picture of boyhood, growing up, and a mother's love.

  • Ross Tedford Kendall: Going There

    Working through time and space, and the possibilities that come to us. This little play expertly weaves about through both your expectations and your sense of wonder, and has you thinking about what might be if you chose differently. Nice job!

    Working through time and space, and the possibilities that come to us. This little play expertly weaves about through both your expectations and your sense of wonder, and has you thinking about what might be if you chose differently. Nice job!

  • Ross Tedford Kendall: Next Week

    A very creative play aimed at young audiences, but one that people of all ages may enjoy. I particularly like the suspense that the play builds, which hooks you along until it resolves. A must have to keep young people following along. Great work!

    A very creative play aimed at young audiences, but one that people of all ages may enjoy. I particularly like the suspense that the play builds, which hooks you along until it resolves. A must have to keep young people following along. Great work!

  • Ross Tedford Kendall: Elvis at Pemberley

    This play really touches on adolescent dilemmas, especially the conflict between the need to become an individual and the pressure to conform. The playwright expertly creates the voices of two teenage characters, eager to sound like they know what they're doing, and yet with that underlying fear in every word. The play is funny, charming, sweet, and touching.

    This play really touches on adolescent dilemmas, especially the conflict between the need to become an individual and the pressure to conform. The playwright expertly creates the voices of two teenage characters, eager to sound like they know what they're doing, and yet with that underlying fear in every word. The play is funny, charming, sweet, and touching.

  • Ross Tedford Kendall: Stay Awhile

    Very touching, very emotional. I really felt for both characters, each with their own needs, in perfect conflict. The play kept me wanting to see what happens next, using just quiet moments between family. A great play for any festival.

    Very touching, very emotional. I really felt for both characters, each with their own needs, in perfect conflict. The play kept me wanting to see what happens next, using just quiet moments between family. A great play for any festival.

  • Ross Tedford Kendall: Devil of Mercy

    A dark, sharply written piece that brings attention to its theme without hitting you over the head. Instead, we follow a character that takes us through many twists and turns. All in ten minutes!

    A dark, sharply written piece that brings attention to its theme without hitting you over the head. Instead, we follow a character that takes us through many twists and turns. All in ten minutes!