Recommended by Ross Tedford Kendall

  • Ross Tedford Kendall: Coming In

    A very unexpected twist on conversations in families. I particularly like that it illustrates there are still things that need a conversation here and there.

    A very unexpected twist on conversations in families. I particularly like that it illustrates there are still things that need a conversation here and there.

  • Ross Tedford Kendall: THE PRICE OF BLUE (ten-minute play)

    I remember reading the original folktale years ago, and was delighted to see this modern, irreverent take on it by playwright Tuft. Not content with merely rehashing, this play's characters make the story their own, and it is a wild, entertaining ride, all in ten minutes. Great work!

    I remember reading the original folktale years ago, and was delighted to see this modern, irreverent take on it by playwright Tuft. Not content with merely rehashing, this play's characters make the story their own, and it is a wild, entertaining ride, all in ten minutes. Great work!

  • Ross Tedford Kendall: TARTARUS

    This is an epic piece. The interwoven plays both resonate on their own, and combine to form a devastating crescendo. I'm particularly taken with how the playwright doesn't spell things out, but allows the story to evolve naturally and organically, utilizing each character to give us the entire picture, bit by bit. If anyone wants a lesson in metaphor and subtext, this play is it.

    This is an epic piece. The interwoven plays both resonate on their own, and combine to form a devastating crescendo. I'm particularly taken with how the playwright doesn't spell things out, but allows the story to evolve naturally and organically, utilizing each character to give us the entire picture, bit by bit. If anyone wants a lesson in metaphor and subtext, this play is it.

  • Ross Tedford Kendall: THE MURDER MYSTERY CLUB (from the MAD FOR MYSTERY Collection)

    This immersive little piece is such fun! I loved the characters, which are sharply defined from each entrance, their interaction, history, and the ultimate conclusion. The playwright references Poe, and he's clearly an influence, but there is also a unique spin that the writer uses to make this story their own.

    This immersive little piece is such fun! I loved the characters, which are sharply defined from each entrance, their interaction, history, and the ultimate conclusion. The playwright references Poe, and he's clearly an influence, but there is also a unique spin that the writer uses to make this story their own.

  • Ross Tedford Kendall: "Sauerkraut" A Ten Minute Play

    A small piece with some big themes. I personally enjoyed the setup between the first couple, before the second couple enters. That really puts a solid foundation for the rest of the play.

    A small piece with some big themes. I personally enjoyed the setup between the first couple, before the second couple enters. That really puts a solid foundation for the rest of the play.

  • Ross Tedford Kendall: Unicorn (short play)

    The characters may be flexibly cast, but the themes are very specific (and yet, in their own way, universal.) There's a lot going on in this piece.

    The characters may be flexibly cast, but the themes are very specific (and yet, in their own way, universal.) There's a lot going on in this piece.

  • Ross Tedford Kendall: Ellida

    A great little monologue that doesn't forget the setting. Every element informs the character's actions and words. Her determined attitude is inspiring and striking. A fun and fine little piece.

    A great little monologue that doesn't forget the setting. Every element informs the character's actions and words. Her determined attitude is inspiring and striking. A fun and fine little piece.

  • Ross Tedford Kendall: We Are Cranston

    This play effectively conveys both an emotional punch and biting satire. And it is wickedly funny on top of it.

    This play effectively conveys both an emotional punch and biting satire. And it is wickedly funny on top of it.

  • Ross Tedford Kendall: Trick or Treat at the House on Tanner Street

    This play is a real treat, no pun intended. I particularly like plays that have characters that don't come out and say what they mean, adding to the conflict. This one does that, in addition to serving an appropriately spooky atmosphere.

    This play is a real treat, no pun intended. I particularly like plays that have characters that don't come out and say what they mean, adding to the conflict. This one does that, in addition to serving an appropriately spooky atmosphere.

  • Ross Tedford Kendall: Your Boy

    A very touching play that has no easy answers to the dilemma of the characters. I particularly like the resolution, as it makes me consider what I would do in this situation. A nice little piece for a festival.

    A very touching play that has no easy answers to the dilemma of the characters. I particularly like the resolution, as it makes me consider what I would do in this situation. A nice little piece for a festival.