Recommended by Doug DeVita

  • Little Egg, Big World
    12 Feb. 2022
    At times whimsical, at times sobering, Rachel Leighson gives us an inventively conceived look at the process of egg donation from the viewpoints of the donor child, an egg, and a uterus. Both funny and sad, it's a wonderfully theatrical work and I recommend reading it quite highly.
  • Girl on the Moon
    2 Feb. 2022
    Judy Pancoast's GIRL ON THE MOON is an absolutely delightful addition to the Youth Musical genre: bright, peppy, and with a delicious score, it takes on serious themes with intelligence, wit, and a lightness that's both infectious and disarming; although set in 1969 (the period details are wonderfully apt but not overwhelming), it nonetheless tells a contemporary and universal story which speaks to all ages. Terrific!
  • Joey (Full Version)
    1 Feb. 2022
    Devastating, filled with ugly truths and heartbreaking personal revelations – but somehow beautiful in its bravery – JOEY is an incredibly difficult but incredibly necessary read. Bravo, Joe. BRAVO.
  • Better (Full-length)
    31 Jan. 2022
    We should all write a play as good as Vince Gatton's BETTER. That's all I have to say, except maybe I wish I'd written it.
  • Braid
    21 Jan. 2022
    This stunning solo play is one of the most powerful, persuasive, and painfully heartbreaking cries for gun control I've ever read. Intensely personal in its approach, Miller's script is a gut-wrenching exploration of the after effects of needless loss on a grieving father's psyche, and a tour de force for the actor performing it. Read it. Produce it. Listen to it.
  • Adultoids
    15 Jan. 2022
    JB Miller's dark farce is by turns hilarious, horrifying, and heartbreaking, sometimes all three in a single line of dialogue. Miller deftly explores what happens when parents get involved in their children's squabbles, and his set up is so natural that you willingly follow along as everything gets more and more complicated; suddenly you realize you've fallen down the rabbit hole into a kind of psychosexual wonderland. You don't quite know how you got there, but you don't mind because it's all so wild, weird, and wonderfully funny. Bullseye!
  • Is This All This Is
    14 Jan. 2022
    Osmundsun writes exquisitely conversational exposition; his dialogue doesn't just "get the job done," it tells several stories all at once, it hints at deeper layers that are mined with cutting precision, and it turns what could in lesser hands be considered political "soap-boxing" into a passionate plea for understanding. Beautifully handled all the way.
  • Throwing Rocks (Short Play)
    14 Jan. 2022
    About as sharply incisive a play about loss, denial, grief, and despair as one can get, Lamedman still imbues this script with a lightness that makes it all the more compelling – and haunting. A deeply moving, truly gorgeous work.
    14 Jan. 2022
    “Beauty is truth, truth beauty,—that is all
    Ye know on earth, and all ye need to know.”
    — John Keats

    And Lermond’s touching ode to later life change, while not in the least having anything to do with a Grecian Urn, is all about the truth in beauty and the beauty in truth. A deceptively simple piece, and simply wonderful from its first page to its last.
  • Shanti at Peace
    13 Jan. 2022
    Once again, Ladva walks that line between specificity and universality, and once again she gives us a delicately balanced, beautifully heartfelt work. Oh, how I'd love to see this performed; the two actresses required will have a field day with such rich, emotionally layered characters to play, and the play itself will seem all the more deeply rewarding as it connects with its audiences on every level. A play brought to life because of the COVID crisis, but one that stands on its own, simultaneously timely and timeless.
