Recommended by Doug DeVita

  • Strings
    4 Oct. 2021
    For all those times when we were children and we dreamed of our toys coming to life… Brian Cern has given us a glimpse into what might have been, and damn, I want more. Or maybe I don’t. I’m not sure. But I am sure this imaginative work is at once enchanting, gut-wrenching, and beautifully soulful.
  • Elvis at Pemberley
    4 Oct. 2021
    The longing to conform, to fit in, to be the person you think you need to be when you’re a teen-ager runs through this keenly observed play like a knife; both sweet and heartbreaking, Bray brings us back to a time when everything was so vitally important, yet… not. Beautiful work.
  • Stay Awhile
    3 Oct. 2021
    A gorgeous piece of writing, with two exceptionally rich roles for two women. Layered, nuanced, and deeply felt, this is a beautiful play.
  • Stiff Competition
    3 Oct. 2021
    Busser doing Busser, and he’s killing it with this scathingly funny ten-minute two-hander. I’m still laughing.
  • Memory
    29 Sep. 2021
    A fascinating deep dive into anamnesis and crime scene investigation, Feeny-Williams’ aptly named MEMORY takes us on a fast-paced journey into the world of a woman with the mind of a child – who may hold the key to solving a series of gruesome murders. A police procedural that is exciting, provocative, and leaves the reader wanting just a bit more.
  • The Cardinal
    28 Sep. 2021
    Jesus, this is a beautiful piece! At the center of what appears to be a loving, if contentious, relationship between an uber-religious mother and her gay son are many, many questions about faith, love, acceptance, miracles, and hermaphroditic birds, all presented with a clarity and simplicity that belie their murky complexity. A truly beautiful piece. Jesus!
  • Today I will go to him.
    28 Sep. 2021
    Poised right at that moment when two lives are going to change forever, this monologue is a harrowing, frightening, and riveting dive into the mind of a woman intent on following through with a decision she knows is wrong, but just can’t stop herself. An extraordinary piece for an actress to rip into.
    28 Sep. 2021
    A charming bit of blarney from a master blarneyist, CROWLEY’S CORNER transports one right into the heart of Ireland. Sure and it’s like bein’ back in Dingle – and that’s not, as American Jack Conlin finds out, such a bad place to be. In fact, it's rather wonderful. Sláinte!
  • Babies React To...
    27 Sep. 2021
    Damn! Parents are awful creatures. Especially parents with phones, video, texting, social media pages… All I could think whilst reading Cathro’s trenchant treatise on modern parenting is “right now there are some kids in medical school studying to become psychiatrists, while even younger kids will grow up to pay off their college loans and fund their beach houses.”
  • Don
    27 Sep. 2021
    All the “Lear-like” aspects of our former national disgrace are deftly satirized in this pointed, hilarious, yet disturbing short play. Would that the real Don were even half as human as the one imagined by Kyle Smith. But then this play wouldn’t have the heft it does. I’d say this was well done, but that’s such a cliché now I’ll just say it’s a deliciously rare piece for two performers to sink their teeth into.
