All the “Lear-like” aspects of our former national disgrace are deftly satirized in this pointed, hilarious, yet disturbing short play. Would that the real Don were even half as human as the one imagined by Kyle Smith. But then this play wouldn’t have the heft it does. I’d say this was well done, but that’s such a cliché now I’ll just say it’s a deliciously rare piece for two performers to sink their teeth into.
All the “Lear-like” aspects of our former national disgrace are deftly satirized in this pointed, hilarious, yet disturbing short play. Would that the real Don were even half as human as the one imagined by Kyle Smith. But then this play wouldn’t have the heft it does. I’d say this was well done, but that’s such a cliché now I’ll just say it’s a deliciously rare piece for two performers to sink their teeth into.