Recommended by Christopher Soucy

  • Christopher Soucy: The Penance - 10 Minute Play

    A tearful confession, a patient priest, and a TWIST! This is a great short that has you on the edge of your seat. Guessing and wondering what the conclusion could be, and delivering a wonderfully wicked ending.

    A tearful confession, a patient priest, and a TWIST! This is a great short that has you on the edge of your seat. Guessing and wondering what the conclusion could be, and delivering a wonderfully wicked ending.

  • Christopher Soucy: Riddles

    Brilliant short thriller. This piece ratchets up the tension and intrigue with every passing minute. A clever play with twists and turns aplenty.

    Brilliant short thriller. This piece ratchets up the tension and intrigue with every passing minute. A clever play with twists and turns aplenty.

  • Christopher Soucy: Seance

    This is a very funny play. Some conversations are hard to have in the most normal of circumstances, this is anything but normal. This is the perfect piece to round out an evening of supernatural shorts.

    This is a very funny play. Some conversations are hard to have in the most normal of circumstances, this is anything but normal. This is the perfect piece to round out an evening of supernatural shorts.

  • Christopher Soucy: PET ROCK

    This sweet little gem is a perfect piece of unexpected science fiction. It delivers a portrayal of earnest, delightful wonder and the importance of friendship.

    This sweet little gem is a perfect piece of unexpected science fiction. It delivers a portrayal of earnest, delightful wonder and the importance of friendship.

  • Christopher Soucy: Right as Rain

    Personal rituals are important. Sacred even. Joe Swenson has given us Hank and Buster’s weekly tradition of fishing off a dock. The conversation is laced with nostalgia and deep love. A great, relaxed peace of theater with a gentle tug at your heart.

    Personal rituals are important. Sacred even. Joe Swenson has given us Hank and Buster’s weekly tradition of fishing off a dock. The conversation is laced with nostalgia and deep love. A great, relaxed peace of theater with a gentle tug at your heart.

  • Christopher Soucy: Teach Me Something

    This is a comic gem that reminds us of the lack of interpersonal connection in today’s hectic consumer arena. A truly enjoyable short that would be a genuine hoot to see on stage.

    This is a comic gem that reminds us of the lack of interpersonal connection in today’s hectic consumer arena. A truly enjoyable short that would be a genuine hoot to see on stage.

  • Christopher Soucy: WHAT A DOLL - A CHRISTMAS COMEDY

    Magic takes hard work. But when done right, it means the world to those who benefit from it. This is an adorable piece of Christmastime magic as performed by master illusionists, mom and dad.

    Magic takes hard work. But when done right, it means the world to those who benefit from it. This is an adorable piece of Christmastime magic as performed by master illusionists, mom and dad.

  • Christopher Soucy: Your Pretty Face is Going to Hell

    What a way to announce one’s intensions. This is a wonderfully twisted play with a wonderful twist ending. Lee Lawing gives us a reunion of exes that gets wildly out of hand. I would love to be in the audience watching this.

    What a way to announce one’s intensions. This is a wonderfully twisted play with a wonderful twist ending. Lee Lawing gives us a reunion of exes that gets wildly out of hand. I would love to be in the audience watching this.

  • Christopher Soucy: THE LECTURE

    The quintessential dad lecture. Adam Richter gives us that moment we dread, both as child and parent, “the” speech. The one you get out give when something catastrophic has gone wrong. Adam’s writing is always so insightful and familiar while remaining accessible and fresh. Great monologue for a middle aged actor.

    The quintessential dad lecture. Adam Richter gives us that moment we dread, both as child and parent, “the” speech. The one you get out give when something catastrophic has gone wrong. Adam’s writing is always so insightful and familiar while remaining accessible and fresh. Great monologue for a middle aged actor.

  • Christopher Soucy: I Knew It!

    What we sacrifice in the balancing act to get what we want is oftentimes forgotten in day to day existence. But sooner or later, something will happen to remind us of exactly what we gave up for what we have. It is in those moments that we really have to wonder if it is worth it. Scott Sickles illustrates one such moment with his uncanny brilliance. Making what seems impossibly distant and foreign as immediate as taking a breath.

    What we sacrifice in the balancing act to get what we want is oftentimes forgotten in day to day existence. But sooner or later, something will happen to remind us of exactly what we gave up for what we have. It is in those moments that we really have to wonder if it is worth it. Scott Sickles illustrates one such moment with his uncanny brilliance. Making what seems impossibly distant and foreign as immediate as taking a breath.