Recommended by Debra A. Cole

  • 2:13am (Chapter Six of Every Day a Little Death)
    28 May. 2024
    One of the worst moments in a woman's life is captured by J SCOTT BRONSON. There are no answers. There is no clear blame. There is no plan. There is just this... at 2:13 am.
  • Mother Bird
    28 May. 2024
    This haunting story is about unresolved grief, urban legends, and senseless tragedy. One man is on a quest to solve a very personal mystery and save others from the same fate. Along the way, the truth may be more than he can handle. Such anguish. Such pain. Such loss.
  • Bronze Buddha - A Monologue
    28 May. 2024
    What a beautiful item that illicits such poignant memories for this woman. ROBERT WEIBEZAHL takes a simple possible souvenir and imbibes the inanimate object with such grace and reverence. We see the item from the lens of both the woman she is today, and the child she was when it arrived. LOVELY.
  • The Concierge
    28 May. 2024
    Powerful and thought provoking, BRENT ALLES has written a short play that will have audiences talking on the way home. Those who have lost will connect with the haunting voices heard as the scene progresses.
  • Sacrifice
    28 May. 2024
    I adore this twisted short play! FLOYD-PRISKORN uses wicked humor to turn the tables on a secret sect’s plans, and she does it mastefully. Audiences will LOVE this - PUT IT IN A FESTIVAL NOW!
  • The Chosen Herd
    28 May. 2024
    Oh, what a little night gazing on acid can do for a simple farmer. I would LOVE to see this performed! The opportunities for for both physical and emotional comedy are endless.
  • Park Benches
    27 May. 2024
    DARRIN FRIEDMAN has created a powerful short piece about loss, love, letting go, and grace. Grief is an odd thing, and a mysterious stranger comes at just the right moment for David. Lovely.
  • I am the Center of My Universe
    26 May. 2024
    Beautiful. A lone woman, with her dog, considers the universe in its ever changing canvas.... "Monet understood that the same place is never the same place a moment later," and NORA LOUISE SYRAN understands this too. Moving forward is about being open to the opportunities that present themselves. Thank you, Nora.
  • Last Call for Curtain Call
    23 May. 2024
    I had the great pleasure of seeing this short play by AMBER R. DICKINSON read and the audience LOVED IT! Whether involved in live theatre or not, this both hilarious and poignant play will connect for everyone. A man who's entire existence has been one thing is forced to ask, is that still what he wants to be? What a FABULOUS opportunity for three seasoned performers to bring these characters to life.
  • Once upon a Train (A One-Minute Play)
    23 May. 2024
    Two train passengers in crisis. Two strangers hungry for connection. One missed opportunity. MARCIA EPPICH-HARRIS has given a us a quick one-minute glance at would could have been. Powerful.
