Recommended by Jacquelyn Floyd-Priskorn

  • Joan's Arc
    28 Sep. 2020
    Wow. Had to take a break at the end of act 1 so I could calm myself down. And of course, at the end of act 2, tears are flowing again. This is such a great play because it doesn't focus on the actual school shooting...the "why did this happen?" This is about living, living as a whole, imperfect human being. Doing your best to be better. This is so beautiful and I hope it gets produced a million times because more people need to see/hear these words.
  • Fourth Grade Girl Pact
    28 Sep. 2020
    This is such a fun piece for student performers. Both characters are rich, deep and fun to play. And the messages of making decisions for yourself, trusting your instincts and what makes a good friend are so important right now!
  • Riddles
    28 Sep. 2020
    I literally said "Ooo!" out loud when I read the last line. I love a good riddle and this play is chock full of them. The tension is very real and the characters are dark and deep. This would make a great short film, too! I'll be thinking about this script for a while.
  • Up Against the 4th Wall
    28 Sep. 2020
    Busser is a master of the meta comedy! I love the quick pace of this piece and the many layers of the story being peeled away. And even though this is a wacky comedy, the tension is very real and the audience will be on the edges of their seats til the very end! This would even work as a short film, in my opinion! So much fun!
  • Inez Cupcakes Starring in: "Math Problems"
    27 Sep. 2020
    I am just loving these characters! And I know audiences will, too! They are so colorful, yet relatable and students will want to be friends with everyone in this show. Even the teacher! I would love to see this as a series or a touring show for young audiences! Well done, Mr Martin. As a performer for young audiences myself, I am extremely invigorated by these plays!
  • Clasp
    27 Sep. 2020
    I think I teared up a little at this play. This is so real, and yet funny at the same time. The little things that are taken away from you in times like these become so very important. So is this play! Well done!
  • Cookies for Bethany
    27 Sep. 2020
    The darkness in this play is absolutely DELICIOUS! Take a bite! I dare you! This plays out so naturally and smoothly, like rich melted chocolate chips. And in a flash, it's over. I love this play almost as much as I love cookies...but I'm not sure if I trust cookies anymore. I do, however, trust Jackie Martin to write brilliant plays! Can't wait to read more!
    26 Sep. 2020
    So many twists and turns in this dark 10 minute mystery! Everyone likes to see a jerk get his comeuppance! To be honest, I think this play could become a really great full-length. I'd love to see more!
  • Feral
    26 Sep. 2020
    Feral is a word we often associate with cats. And a trapped feral cat is a very unhappy cat. In this play, Chelsea is trying to help a neighborhood feral cat, but it is clear that it is her soul that is feral and trapped. This 10 minute play is a beautiful tale of two sisters and their desire to be free.
  • KiKi Pineapple Starring In: "Saving the World!"
    25 Sep. 2020
    I remember third grade well. And it was a lot like this play! Imagination is so fragile when kids are trying to be "grown up" at the same time. This sweet play shows kids that sometimes a bully doesn't need to be "taken down" but perhaps given a hand up to join in the fun! Children will be pretending to be Kiki Pineapple at recess for weeks after seeing this wonderful piece!
