I literally said "ohhh" out loud as I finished this play. Time travel is such a sticky wicket in story building, but Byham really makes it work in RELIC. This play moves in waves, some gentle, some crashing. The relationship between the two characters, played by 3 actors of varying ages, is absolutely beautiful. Like a landscape painting on a wall, you will discover new things at each passing of this play. Just very well crafted.
I literally said "ohhh" out loud as I finished this play. Time travel is such a sticky wicket in story building, but Byham really makes it work in RELIC. This play moves in waves, some gentle, some crashing. The relationship between the two characters, played by 3 actors of varying ages, is absolutely beautiful. Like a landscape painting on a wall, you will discover new things at each passing of this play. Just very well crafted.