Recommended by Lisa Dellagiarino Feriend

  • Lisa Dellagiarino Feriend: Ancient Wisdom of the Shoebill Stork

    What a delight! A closed-minded scientist and his more open intern seek the ancient wisdom of the Shoebill Stork in this short, but only one appreciates it. I love the back and forths between the characters, and the ending is a satisfying surprise.

    What a delight! A closed-minded scientist and his more open intern seek the ancient wisdom of the Shoebill Stork in this short, but only one appreciates it. I love the back and forths between the characters, and the ending is a satisfying surprise.

  • Lisa Dellagiarino Feriend: The Juggler

    No one does wordplay like Morey Norkin! This short, silly piece about heroes and villains is a real treat, with an ending of pure delight.

    No one does wordplay like Morey Norkin! This short, silly piece about heroes and villains is a real treat, with an ending of pure delight.

  • Lisa Dellagiarino Feriend: The Good Dybbuk

    This short play is so sweet. I also love how much humor is woven into it, even though it deals with loss and letting go. (Zayde's running criticisms of Asher's dad throughout the play was a favorite of mine. That poor man would probably be the only member of the family not to be excited to learn that Zayde's haunting the attic.) "The Good Dybbuk" depicts a lovely relationship between grandfather and grandson, as well as (though we never see Bubbie) a very sweet relationship between a long-married couple which doesn't end with death. A real feel-good play!

    This short play is so sweet. I also love how much humor is woven into it, even though it deals with loss and letting go. (Zayde's running criticisms of Asher's dad throughout the play was a favorite of mine. That poor man would probably be the only member of the family not to be excited to learn that Zayde's haunting the attic.) "The Good Dybbuk" depicts a lovely relationship between grandfather and grandson, as well as (though we never see Bubbie) a very sweet relationship between a long-married couple which doesn't end with death. A real feel-good play!

  • Lisa Dellagiarino Feriend: Touch Me in the Morning (Ten Minute)

    This short play starts with a bang and doesn't let up. Watching Steve and Jack freak out and eventually realize how good they had it before their lives went crazy is a delightful way to pass ten minutes. This play is fun and funny, and the whole time you're wondering how it will possibly end - Turns out there's a great button at the end too. Love it!

    This short play starts with a bang and doesn't let up. Watching Steve and Jack freak out and eventually realize how good they had it before their lives went crazy is a delightful way to pass ten minutes. This play is fun and funny, and the whole time you're wondering how it will possibly end - Turns out there's a great button at the end too. Love it!

  • Lisa Dellagiarino Feriend: VOICES OF A REVOLUTION - full-length play in the 1890s about womans struggles.

    This feminist history play would be great for high schoolers learning about the Gilded Age, as it centers important women of the time - Bertha Palmer, Julia Grant, and Ida Lewis - who are often left out of high school history books. It also lends itself well to a post-show discussion about how much has changed since the time of the Chicago World's Fair, when this play takes place, and how much hasn't changed enough.

    This feminist history play would be great for high schoolers learning about the Gilded Age, as it centers important women of the time - Bertha Palmer, Julia Grant, and Ida Lewis - who are often left out of high school history books. It also lends itself well to a post-show discussion about how much has changed since the time of the Chicago World's Fair, when this play takes place, and how much hasn't changed enough.

  • Lisa Dellagiarino Feriend: WEDDING SECRETS - full-length family comedy

    Everything quickly starts going wrong in this comedy about family dynamics on a wedding weekend. I enjoyed watching the reactions of all the different characters as things started going off the rails.

    Everything quickly starts going wrong in this comedy about family dynamics on a wedding weekend. I enjoyed watching the reactions of all the different characters as things started going off the rails.

  • Lisa Dellagiarino Feriend: PEACE BY PIECE

    This timely short about two kids living on either side of US southern border is sweet and sad and hopeful in turn. Plays starring children are rarely as powerful as this one. This would be an amazing play to see live.

    This timely short about two kids living on either side of US southern border is sweet and sad and hopeful in turn. Plays starring children are rarely as powerful as this one. This would be an amazing play to see live.

  • Lisa Dellagiarino Feriend: The Name of Action

    This didn't go where I thought it would! This fun short play starts with a quirky premise, zips along with clever banter and ends with a darkly comic surprise. I love how it drifts lightly along until the ending sneaks up on you.

    This didn't go where I thought it would! This fun short play starts with a quirky premise, zips along with clever banter and ends with a darkly comic surprise. I love how it drifts lightly along until the ending sneaks up on you.

  • Lisa Dellagiarino Feriend: Perspective: A Ten-Minute Play

    Art humor! I love it. This short about a Renaissance painting of the Annunciation which is moved into the same room as the Mona Lisa at the Louvre, much to Mary's displeasure, is smart and funny and just an all-around clever piece. It deserves all the productions it's had and more!

    Art humor! I love it. This short about a Renaissance painting of the Annunciation which is moved into the same room as the Mona Lisa at the Louvre, much to Mary's displeasure, is smart and funny and just an all-around clever piece. It deserves all the productions it's had and more!

  • Lisa Dellagiarino Feriend: Fighting Mr. Right

    I love quirky comedies, and this short is perfection! Marla and Joel have finished a successful first date, and Marla doesn't want to mess this up, so she's doing things differently with this guy - which Joel finds baffling. The dialogue in this piece is sharp and fast, and even on the page you can tell that this would be a blast both to watch and to perform.

    I love quirky comedies, and this short is perfection! Marla and Joel have finished a successful first date, and Marla doesn't want to mess this up, so she's doing things differently with this guy - which Joel finds baffling. The dialogue in this piece is sharp and fast, and even on the page you can tell that this would be a blast both to watch and to perform.