Oh my gosh. This short. There's been a murder, and as two law enforcement exes try to work out what happened, they discover the greatest gift to a sound designer ever, which reveals what happened and also had me in stitches. Then just a page later, the characters are commenting in a really beautiful, bittersweet way about how difficult it is after breakups, when you're left with all these people you love, but aren't really allowed to love. Within a PAGE of each other. Scott Sickles is a master.
Oh my gosh. This short. There's been a murder, and as two law enforcement exes try to work out what happened, they discover the greatest gift to a sound designer ever, which reveals what happened and also had me in stitches. Then just a page later, the characters are commenting in a really beautiful, bittersweet way about how difficult it is after breakups, when you're left with all these people you love, but aren't really allowed to love. Within a PAGE of each other. Scott Sickles is a master.