Recommended by Lisa Dellagiarino Feriend

  • Lisa Dellagiarino Feriend: The Unusual Tale of Mary and Joseph's Baby (Musical)

    Oh my gosh, this is so good. I want to read the rest of it - or, better yet, see a production. What a fabulous, humanizing take on the Biblical characters.

    Oh my gosh, this is so good. I want to read the rest of it - or, better yet, see a production. What a fabulous, humanizing take on the Biblical characters.

  • Lisa Dellagiarino Feriend: delicacy of a puffin heart

    This play is gorgeous. It shifts seamlessly back and forth in time as we follow these five women, and the dialogue is poetry. Just beautiful.

    This play is gorgeous. It shifts seamlessly back and forth in time as we follow these five women, and the dialogue is poetry. Just beautiful.

  • Lisa Dellagiarino Feriend: King James Version 2.0

    This is so much fun. Three witches are sent to swap out King James's version of the Bible with his Daemonologie, so that can be passed down through the centuries instead, and hilarity ensues. It's King James's court through a queer lens, with angels and witches and an alien abduction. I loved the humor (the knock knock joke was a favorite) and the constant wondering of what on earth was going to happen next. What a wild ride.

    This is so much fun. Three witches are sent to swap out King James's version of the Bible with his Daemonologie, so that can be passed down through the centuries instead, and hilarity ensues. It's King James's court through a queer lens, with angels and witches and an alien abduction. I loved the humor (the knock knock joke was a favorite) and the constant wondering of what on earth was going to happen next. What a wild ride.

  • Lisa Dellagiarino Feriend: The Remote (a ten minute play)

    So clever! A couple is possessed by their tv remote in this short and come to realize that they’ve grown remote from each other. It’s a sweet, imaginative play about two people finding their way back to each other and a great representation of how we tend to fill our lives up with noise. Plus it would be a blast to perform.

    So clever! A couple is possessed by their tv remote in this short and come to realize that they’ve grown remote from each other. It’s a sweet, imaginative play about two people finding their way back to each other and a great representation of how we tend to fill our lives up with noise. Plus it would be a blast to perform.

  • Lisa Dellagiarino Feriend: Awesome Possum

    I saw this short play as part of Eclectic Full Contact Theatre’s Patchwork Play Festival, and I loved how information gets portioned out to you slowly over the course of ten minutes as you try to piece things together, and by the end, the final picture you have of what’s going on is sad and sweet and ultimately uplifting. What a creative play.

    I saw this short play as part of Eclectic Full Contact Theatre’s Patchwork Play Festival, and I loved how information gets portioned out to you slowly over the course of ten minutes as you try to piece things together, and by the end, the final picture you have of what’s going on is sad and sweet and ultimately uplifting. What a creative play.

  • Lisa Dellagiarino Feriend: WEIRD GIRL SUMMER

    There is so much in this short play that I had no idea how it was going to all wrap up in only 10 minutes! Marlowe has been kicked out, Nellie wants to kill her sister’s boyfriend, Nellie is convinced that her fan fiction is about to become canon in tonight’s episode… What a great vehicle for two young actors. It will make you feel everything!

    There is so much in this short play that I had no idea how it was going to all wrap up in only 10 minutes! Marlowe has been kicked out, Nellie wants to kill her sister’s boyfriend, Nellie is convinced that her fan fiction is about to become canon in tonight’s episode… What a great vehicle for two young actors. It will make you feel everything!

  • Lisa Dellagiarino Feriend: Dolly

    I was lucky enough to see Eclectic Full Contact Theatre’s production of this play, and it started out so silly and fun that it took me by surprise when Melissa started talking about her life and it became so beautiful and sad. I love the wide range of emotions this play made me feel- and Salvador got to bow with the ladies at the end, which was a perfect way to end this adorable short.

    I was lucky enough to see Eclectic Full Contact Theatre’s production of this play, and it started out so silly and fun that it took me by surprise when Melissa started talking about her life and it became so beautiful and sad. I love the wide range of emotions this play made me feel- and Salvador got to bow with the ladies at the end, which was a perfect way to end this adorable short.

  • Lisa Dellagiarino Feriend: Any Port in a Storm

    I love Aly Kantor’s writing. This short play is funny and sweet, with two lonely people who seem very different on the surface, but are incredibly similar deep down. My favorite part was the sharing of personal information, which got more and more vulnerable as it got more and more rapid fire. I would love to see a whole full length play with these two characters.

    I love Aly Kantor’s writing. This short play is funny and sweet, with two lonely people who seem very different on the surface, but are incredibly similar deep down. My favorite part was the sharing of personal information, which got more and more vulnerable as it got more and more rapid fire. I would love to see a whole full length play with these two characters.

  • Lisa Dellagiarino Feriend: All Grown Up

    This short play does a wonderful job toggling between moments of comedy and drama, with some details (the single mozzarella stick!) that killed me. In most plays featuring two people and a waiter, the waiter is a largely thankless role, but in this play the waiter has some of my favorite moments. A lovely piece!

    This short play does a wonderful job toggling between moments of comedy and drama, with some details (the single mozzarella stick!) that killed me. In most plays featuring two people and a waiter, the waiter is a largely thankless role, but in this play the waiter has some of my favorite moments. A lovely piece!

  • Lisa Dellagiarino Feriend: LA 8 AM (a ten minute play)

    Wow, what a trip in only 8 pages! I went from, "Oh, this is cute," to "Oh, this is kind of profound," to "What? WHAT?" and now I'm sitting here contemplating the mysteries of life. What a perfect little play.

    Wow, what a trip in only 8 pages! I went from, "Oh, this is cute," to "Oh, this is kind of profound," to "What? WHAT?" and now I'm sitting here contemplating the mysteries of life. What a perfect little play.