Recommended by Lisa Dellagiarino Feriend

  • Lisa Dellagiarino Feriend: Searching for Abuelo

    I am obsessed with this play. It is so well done, and there's such universality in the specificity. I saw Searching for Abuelo as part of Powerstories Theatre's Voices of Women Festival (where it won 1st prize!) and as someone who historically isn't wild about one person shows, I wasn't expected to enjoy it too much, but HOLY COW, what a pleasant surprise. I could not love this more. What a beautiful tribute, what a moving piece of theater. Somewhere out there, I'm sure Gretchen's abuelo adores this piece as well. Gretchen has created something to be proud of.

    I am obsessed with this play. It is so well done, and there's such universality in the specificity. I saw Searching for Abuelo as part of Powerstories Theatre's Voices of Women Festival (where it won 1st prize!) and as someone who historically isn't wild about one person shows, I wasn't expected to enjoy it too much, but HOLY COW, what a pleasant surprise. I could not love this more. What a beautiful tribute, what a moving piece of theater. Somewhere out there, I'm sure Gretchen's abuelo adores this piece as well. Gretchen has created something to be proud of.

  • Lisa Dellagiarino Feriend: Sweet Revenge

    This is a wild ride. What fun roles for comedic older actors! I really enjoyed watching everything devolve into calculated insanity as the play progressed. This would be an easy play to produce, as it all takes place in the bakery, and it's full of roles that let actors shine. Great work!

    This is a wild ride. What fun roles for comedic older actors! I really enjoyed watching everything devolve into calculated insanity as the play progressed. This would be an easy play to produce, as it all takes place in the bakery, and it's full of roles that let actors shine. Great work!

  • Lisa Dellagiarino Feriend: FOUR BEDROOMS (a full-length play)

    A play centering four older women in which nobody is dying of Alzheimer’s? YES. I was lucky enough to see this play as part of Powerstories Theatre’s Voices of Women Festival, and I really enjoyed watching these women create new beginnings for themselves later in life. Each character has her own unique voice, and I loved watching them interact, grow, and challenge each other. I’d love to live in this house with them!

    A play centering four older women in which nobody is dying of Alzheimer’s? YES. I was lucky enough to see this play as part of Powerstories Theatre’s Voices of Women Festival, and I really enjoyed watching these women create new beginnings for themselves later in life. Each character has her own unique voice, and I loved watching them interact, grow, and challenge each other. I’d love to live in this house with them!

  • Lisa Dellagiarino Feriend: Divine Truth

    This is such an interesting piece, centering around the question of what truth is and what happens when what is truth is not agreed upon by everyone. I really enjoyed watching everything ramp up and explode. I especially enjoyed how every character managed to be uniquely defined and how nobody felt cartoony, which can sometimes happen in stories centered in very religious homes. This is an engaging, thought-provoking one act.

    This is such an interesting piece, centering around the question of what truth is and what happens when what is truth is not agreed upon by everyone. I really enjoyed watching everything ramp up and explode. I especially enjoyed how every character managed to be uniquely defined and how nobody felt cartoony, which can sometimes happen in stories centered in very religious homes. This is an engaging, thought-provoking one act.

  • Lisa Dellagiarino Feriend: Chasing Cinderella

    I love stories that call out the nonsense in fairytales, and this one does it in such a beautiful, engaging way. I saw this as part of Powerstories Theatre’s Voices of Women Festival, and I was struck by the complex characters and fabulous message. Such a lovely play!

    I love stories that call out the nonsense in fairytales, and this one does it in such a beautiful, engaging way. I saw this as part of Powerstories Theatre’s Voices of Women Festival, and I was struck by the complex characters and fabulous message. Such a lovely play!

  • Lisa Dellagiarino Feriend: Pit

    Where does Daniel Prillaman come up with this stuff? This entire play takes place in a giant hole in the ground, and it somehow manages to not just hold your attention but to be engaging and hilarious and heartbreaking. The dialogue is delicious and the whole thing pulls you along until you can't believe you've already reached the ending. Now I need to go google the answers to all the riddles Hat told Glasses.

    Where does Daniel Prillaman come up with this stuff? This entire play takes place in a giant hole in the ground, and it somehow manages to not just hold your attention but to be engaging and hilarious and heartbreaking. The dialogue is delicious and the whole thing pulls you along until you can't believe you've already reached the ending. Now I need to go google the answers to all the riddles Hat told Glasses.

  • Lisa Dellagiarino Feriend: On the Eighth Day of Hanukkah My True Love Gave to Me

    This short play is so sweet. It's a perfect, feel-good story that would do well in any evening of shorts, though it would be particularly welcome in a night of holiday-themed plays, because it achieves the rare feat of being a holiday play that isn't really about the holiday so much as it's about love, loss, and new beginnings. A lovely piece!

    This short play is so sweet. It's a perfect, feel-good story that would do well in any evening of shorts, though it would be particularly welcome in a night of holiday-themed plays, because it achieves the rare feat of being a holiday play that isn't really about the holiday so much as it's about love, loss, and new beginnings. A lovely piece!

  • Lisa Dellagiarino Feriend: OvEn (an ode to Shakespeare)

    This short play is so much fun and also very smart - a fabulous combination! The blend of Shakespearean and modern English is hysterical. I knew I was in for a good time on page 1, with all those 'Alack!'s. I would watch a whole series of Ophelia and Cordelia's adventures.

    This short play is so much fun and also very smart - a fabulous combination! The blend of Shakespearean and modern English is hysterical. I knew I was in for a good time on page 1, with all those 'Alack!'s. I would watch a whole series of Ophelia and Cordelia's adventures.

  • Lisa Dellagiarino Feriend: HUMAN REMAINS

    Well, this is delightful. This whimsical play rockets along and you can just tell it would be a blast to perform, let alone watch. My favorite bits are the preacher's entrance. ("Hello, captain! Did someone say speed funeral?") and the whistling that ties together all the minor characters and is a fun nod to the actor (what a fun challenge!) who plays them all. What a wild ride in only 8 pages.

    Well, this is delightful. This whimsical play rockets along and you can just tell it would be a blast to perform, let alone watch. My favorite bits are the preacher's entrance. ("Hello, captain! Did someone say speed funeral?") and the whistling that ties together all the minor characters and is a fun nod to the actor (what a fun challenge!) who plays them all. What a wild ride in only 8 pages.

  • Lisa Dellagiarino Feriend: LULLABY PLAY (a liminal medea)

    The theatricality of this play!! I wasn't prepared for how beautiful it was going to be. Aly Kantor has a knack for reimagining her adaptations in a wholly unique way. This is gorgeous on the page, and I can't even imagine how amazing it would be on a stage, getting to see the dances and hear the songs (and that ending!! I want to see the ending!!) This Medea feels both classically old and surprisingly contemporary at the same time, and I can't get enough of it.

    The theatricality of this play!! I wasn't prepared for how beautiful it was going to be. Aly Kantor has a knack for reimagining her adaptations in a wholly unique way. This is gorgeous on the page, and I can't even imagine how amazing it would be on a stage, getting to see the dances and hear the songs (and that ending!! I want to see the ending!!) This Medea feels both classically old and surprisingly contemporary at the same time, and I can't get enough of it.