Recommended by Lisa Dellagiarino Feriend

  • Lisa Dellagiarino Feriend: Mirror Mirror Mirror (10 Minute Play)

    I love this short piece. Women so often only see the flaws when they look in the mirror, and watching three reflections of Meg build her up for ten minutes from the dressing room mirrors left me all warm and fuzzy. This would be a great piece to be performed anywhere, but especially in high schools, where young women often take criticisms to heart and carry them on through life.

    I love this short piece. Women so often only see the flaws when they look in the mirror, and watching three reflections of Meg build her up for ten minutes from the dressing room mirrors left me all warm and fuzzy. This would be a great piece to be performed anywhere, but especially in high schools, where young women often take criticisms to heart and carry them on through life.

  • Lisa Dellagiarino Feriend: DON'T TRY ANYTHING FUNNY

    This play is bonkers hilarious. The very first line is "I'm cheating on my wife, and you're the only one who knows," and with that, we're off and running. It is so fantastically, unabashedly silly, while at the same time has some very real criticisms at its core about government and celebrity. The scene where Gwen makes her presentation to the board is perfection, and every word out of Nicholas's mouth is gold.

    This play is bonkers hilarious. The very first line is "I'm cheating on my wife, and you're the only one who knows," and with that, we're off and running. It is so fantastically, unabashedly silly, while at the same time has some very real criticisms at its core about government and celebrity. The scene where Gwen makes her presentation to the board is perfection, and every word out of Nicholas's mouth is gold.

  • Lisa Dellagiarino Feriend: Cozy Murder

    A murder mystery centering theater folks and the MeToo movement, this play is entertaining while also making some great points about what women put up with and why, as well as making the art you want to make versus making the art you think people want to consume. Geraldine was my favorite character, and there was something cathartic and wonderful in her response to the cop dismissing the idea that someone would have killed Trevor, when she let him know that she hated him and was glad he was dead. So much going on, and a murder mystery to boot!

    A murder mystery centering theater folks and the MeToo movement, this play is entertaining while also making some great points about what women put up with and why, as well as making the art you want to make versus making the art you think people want to consume. Geraldine was my favorite character, and there was something cathartic and wonderful in her response to the cop dismissing the idea that someone would have killed Trevor, when she let him know that she hated him and was glad he was dead. So much going on, and a murder mystery to boot!

  • Lisa Dellagiarino Feriend: Wishes (a five minute play)

    I love this. I don't know how Mark Harvey Levine came up with this idea, but I love it. What a sweet play, and what an emotional rollercoaster for only five minutes! I'm glad it ends in a hopeful place, too. Lovely work!

    I love this. I don't know how Mark Harvey Levine came up with this idea, but I love it. What a sweet play, and what an emotional rollercoaster for only five minutes! I'm glad it ends in a hopeful place, too. Lovely work!

  • Lisa Dellagiarino Feriend: Pithole

    This short play rockets along through the rise and fall of an oil town that existed for the briefest of times. The pace never slackens, giving the play an appropriate, frantic kind of energy. I googled Pithole after reading this, so I was entertained and learned some stuff too - a win/win!

    This short play rockets along through the rise and fall of an oil town that existed for the briefest of times. The pace never slackens, giving the play an appropriate, frantic kind of energy. I googled Pithole after reading this, so I was entertained and learned some stuff too - a win/win!

  • Lisa Dellagiarino Feriend: The Odyssey of Tyrell James

    What a great piece. Tyrell James somehow finds himself thrown backward in time to the American south in the 1830s, seeing firsthand how his ancestors lived. One part that really got me was Tyrell telling the enslaved couple hiding him that he dropped out of school, and how they couldn't get over that he had schooling available to him and cast it aside. In an America where history is being rewritten in many school curriculums, this play is more necessary than ever.

    What a great piece. Tyrell James somehow finds himself thrown backward in time to the American south in the 1830s, seeing firsthand how his ancestors lived. One part that really got me was Tyrell telling the enslaved couple hiding him that he dropped out of school, and how they couldn't get over that he had schooling available to him and cast it aside. In an America where history is being rewritten in many school curriculums, this play is more necessary than ever.

  • Lisa Dellagiarino Feriend: Pete & Petria's Petrifying Podcast

    What a fun and spooky ride! I enjoy how this radio play keeps you guessing and reevaluating what’s real and what’s just an urban legend, right up to the end. This is a perfect play for Halloween, sleepovers, or any time you’re in the mood for something spooky.

    What a fun and spooky ride! I enjoy how this radio play keeps you guessing and reevaluating what’s real and what’s just an urban legend, right up to the end. This is a perfect play for Halloween, sleepovers, or any time you’re in the mood for something spooky.

  • Lisa Dellagiarino Feriend: The Curious Tale of Marston Moore's Untimely Demise

    I am here for the journey this short goes on. Marston Moore is dead, but can't remember how he died, so St. Peter helps him think back to the last bits of his life that he can remember, and... well, he had a very full last day. And then God shows up, and it's perfect. I enjoyed the back and forths, the escalation, and the revelation of who/what God is especially. What a fun piece, with some poignant bits as well!

    I am here for the journey this short goes on. Marston Moore is dead, but can't remember how he died, so St. Peter helps him think back to the last bits of his life that he can remember, and... well, he had a very full last day. And then God shows up, and it's perfect. I enjoyed the back and forths, the escalation, and the revelation of who/what God is especially. What a fun piece, with some poignant bits as well!

  • Lisa Dellagiarino Feriend: The Book of Merman: A Musical

    I saw this at the Skokie Theatre. What a fabulous vehicle for three musical theater performers, especially the woman who gets to play Ethel Merman. Every song feels like a big Broadway number. I especially loved the song filled with Mormon profanity. What a fun night of theater!

    I saw this at the Skokie Theatre. What a fabulous vehicle for three musical theater performers, especially the woman who gets to play Ethel Merman. Every song feels like a big Broadway number. I especially loved the song filled with Mormon profanity. What a fun night of theater!

  • Lisa Dellagiarino Feriend: Layers, or "The Casserole Play"

    This is a fantastic fever dream of a play, a wild ride from start to finish - and the fact that it’s about the invention of the casserole makes the feat all the more remarkable! This would be an evening of pure joy at the theater. I love this.

    This is a fantastic fever dream of a play, a wild ride from start to finish - and the fact that it’s about the invention of the casserole makes the feat all the more remarkable! This would be an evening of pure joy at the theater. I love this.