Recommended by Lisa Dellagiarino Feriend

  • Lisa Dellagiarino Feriend: [Shakespeare reference] (Full Length)

    This romantic comedy feels very true to life, as the couplings and uncouplings are messy, complicated, and don't always include a fairy tale ending. The dialogue crackles with humor and there is a universality within the specificity of the relationships among the members of the Pearson family. Lovely work!

    This romantic comedy feels very true to life, as the couplings and uncouplings are messy, complicated, and don't always include a fairy tale ending. The dialogue crackles with humor and there is a universality within the specificity of the relationships among the members of the Pearson family. Lovely work!

  • Lisa Dellagiarino Feriend: Ahavah

    This short play is a sweet and poignant study on grief, love, being true to oneself, and those who love you for who you are. I was looking forward to seeing it in the St. Sebastian Players' 10 minute play festival, but since that was canceled, reading it is the next best thing. There's a certain universality within the specificity here - This play made me think of my own grandmothers, and now I'm smiling remembering them. Lovely work!

    This short play is a sweet and poignant study on grief, love, being true to oneself, and those who love you for who you are. I was looking forward to seeing it in the St. Sebastian Players' 10 minute play festival, but since that was canceled, reading it is the next best thing. There's a certain universality within the specificity here - This play made me think of my own grandmothers, and now I'm smiling remembering them. Lovely work!

  • Lisa Dellagiarino Feriend: Ahavah

    This short play is a sweet and poignant study on grief, love, being true to oneself, and those who love you for who you are. I was looking forward to seeing it in the St. Sebastian Players' 10 minute play festival, but since that was canceled, reading it is the next best thing. There's a certain universality within the specificity here - This play made me think of my own grandmothers, and now I'm smiling remembering them. Lovely work!

    This short play is a sweet and poignant study on grief, love, being true to oneself, and those who love you for who you are. I was looking forward to seeing it in the St. Sebastian Players' 10 minute play festival, but since that was canceled, reading it is the next best thing. There's a certain universality within the specificity here - This play made me think of my own grandmothers, and now I'm smiling remembering them. Lovely work!

  • Lisa Dellagiarino Feriend: Two Pigeons Talk About Sh*tting On People And Then They Sh*t On People, A Love Story

    Oh my gosh. This play. It’s a love story, it’s a PSA, it’s a comedy that is clearly having fun and not taking itself too seriously. I used to write and perform sketch comedy, and my favorite sketches by other groups performing in the same shows were ones that had me giggling while a person sitting nearby whispered “What?” to themselves under their breath. This feels like that kind of thing, and I love it. The energy is great, it would be a blast to perform, AND I learned something.

    Oh my gosh. This play. It’s a love story, it’s a PSA, it’s a comedy that is clearly having fun and not taking itself too seriously. I used to write and perform sketch comedy, and my favorite sketches by other groups performing in the same shows were ones that had me giggling while a person sitting nearby whispered “What?” to themselves under their breath. This feels like that kind of thing, and I love it. The energy is great, it would be a blast to perform, AND I learned something.

  • Lisa Dellagiarino Feriend: Poop, a one minute play for radio

    This short play was NOT what I expected it to be! A short horror play about poop? HERE FOR IT. I read this for giggles because of the title, but it, like a pile of poop hidden in the grass, surprised me. (But unlike poop hidden in the grass, this was a good surprise.) Weird and wonderful!

    This short play was NOT what I expected it to be! A short horror play about poop? HERE FOR IT. I read this for giggles because of the title, but it, like a pile of poop hidden in the grass, surprised me. (But unlike poop hidden in the grass, this was a good surprise.) Weird and wonderful!

  • Lisa Dellagiarino Feriend: Sisyphus's Interview (A One-Minute Play)

    Ha! Writers can definitely relate to Sisyphus in this clever one minute play. And not just writers - creative types and procrastinators in general. This is a delightful origin story with a big message for only one page. I love it.

    Ha! Writers can definitely relate to Sisyphus in this clever one minute play. And not just writers - creative types and procrastinators in general. This is a delightful origin story with a big message for only one page. I love it.

  • Lisa Dellagiarino Feriend: Book of Revelation

    This play involves the tensions between science and faith, and how the two camps often view each other with mistrust at best, derision at worst. After her daughter makes a miraculous recovery from a serious accident, Marion finds herself caught in the middle: a scientist who suddenly begins to believe in miracles. This causes turmoil both in her marriage and her workplace. As the daughter of a geologist who taught Sunday School for 30+ years, I enjoyed this study of faith vs science, and the balancing act of someone with a foot in each camp. Engaging, thought-provoking, and timely!

    This play involves the tensions between science and faith, and how the two camps often view each other with mistrust at best, derision at worst. After her daughter makes a miraculous recovery from a serious accident, Marion finds herself caught in the middle: a scientist who suddenly begins to believe in miracles. This causes turmoil both in her marriage and her workplace. As the daughter of a geologist who taught Sunday School for 30+ years, I enjoyed this study of faith vs science, and the balancing act of someone with a foot in each camp. Engaging, thought-provoking, and timely!

  • Lisa Dellagiarino Feriend: MOSQUITO COMMISSION

    Dating is hard enough before there are kids, but after there are kids, when you're involving more lives than just your own, it can feel nearly impossible. This short play follows a single mom and the man she's on a third date with, preparing dinner as they wait for her son to arrive and meet him for the first time. The dialogue is great, as Colleen reevaluates and second guesses herself over what's about to happen, and I loved the ending.

    Dating is hard enough before there are kids, but after there are kids, when you're involving more lives than just your own, it can feel nearly impossible. This short play follows a single mom and the man she's on a third date with, preparing dinner as they wait for her son to arrive and meet him for the first time. The dialogue is great, as Colleen reevaluates and second guesses herself over what's about to happen, and I loved the ending.

  • Lisa Dellagiarino Feriend: BIKE FOR $ALE!!! GREAT PRI¢E!!!

    Oooh this is creepy. I read this monologue through several times, and it got creepier each time I read it. What a great monologue for an actor to work with and make us squirm! It feels very much like a horror film where you're shouting, "DON'T GO INTO THE BASEMENT!" but they can't hear you, and they go anyway. And all those shoes lined up, of the people who came to look at the bike before... This is fantastic.

    Oooh this is creepy. I read this monologue through several times, and it got creepier each time I read it. What a great monologue for an actor to work with and make us squirm! It feels very much like a horror film where you're shouting, "DON'T GO INTO THE BASEMENT!" but they can't hear you, and they go anyway. And all those shoes lined up, of the people who came to look at the bike before... This is fantastic.

  • Lisa Dellagiarino Feriend: Good Boy

    It's always the one who complains about the pet the loudest who is hit hardest by their death. This touching one minute play says so much in such a short amount of time, and shows how our pets are part of the family, even when we complain about how much work they are. So touching.

    It's always the one who complains about the pet the loudest who is hit hardest by their death. This touching one minute play says so much in such a short amount of time, and shows how our pets are part of the family, even when we complain about how much work they are. So touching.