Recommended by Lisa Dellagiarino Feriend

  • Lisa Dellagiarino Feriend: ESCAPEGOAT

    Oh wow. This eco play about invasive species and course correction is gorgeous. There's magic that I would loooove to see how a theater company pulls off to bring this play to life. Also, the language is deep, but simple enough where I think kids would get a lot out of this play, too (older kids - the goats are in heat a LOT.) What a beautiful tale of love and loss and sustainability and who the true invasive species is.

    Oh wow. This eco play about invasive species and course correction is gorgeous. There's magic that I would loooove to see how a theater company pulls off to bring this play to life. Also, the language is deep, but simple enough where I think kids would get a lot out of this play, too (older kids - the goats are in heat a LOT.) What a beautiful tale of love and loss and sustainability and who the true invasive species is.

  • Lisa Dellagiarino Feriend: Environmentalist

    Ha! This little play is quick and clever, with a fun twist at the end - the best kind of 1-2 minute play. I came for the environmentalism, stayed for the banter (first dates are hard!), and laughed at the reveal.

    Ha! This little play is quick and clever, with a fun twist at the end - the best kind of 1-2 minute play. I came for the environmentalism, stayed for the banter (first dates are hard!), and laughed at the reveal.

  • Lisa Dellagiarino Feriend: Do You Want Fries With That?

    Oh man. This play takes the crushing way corporations treat their employees and heightens it to the nth degree, with great success. You can feel the desperation of the employees and see why they're unable to just quit and walk away. The backstabbing and breakdowns are all a result of these overworked people struggling to survive. This is a creative, powerful piece.

    Oh man. This play takes the crushing way corporations treat their employees and heightens it to the nth degree, with great success. You can feel the desperation of the employees and see why they're unable to just quit and walk away. The backstabbing and breakdowns are all a result of these overworked people struggling to survive. This is a creative, powerful piece.

  • Lisa Dellagiarino Feriend: A LITTLE LOVE GOES A LONG WAY (A short monologue play)

    This monologue is an absurdist love story, and I am here for it. I love how you slowly acclimate to the fact that Helen's new neighbor is a tiny, inches-tall man and you slowly learn more and more about how dissatisfied Helen is with her life with Morty, so by the time there's a spark between Helen and the new neighbor, you're rooting for them to find happiness with each other. This would be a blast for an actor and a fun, wild ride for an audience.

    This monologue is an absurdist love story, and I am here for it. I love how you slowly acclimate to the fact that Helen's new neighbor is a tiny, inches-tall man and you slowly learn more and more about how dissatisfied Helen is with her life with Morty, so by the time there's a spark between Helen and the new neighbor, you're rooting for them to find happiness with each other. This would be a blast for an actor and a fun, wild ride for an audience.

  • Lisa Dellagiarino Feriend: In Love With Bobby

    Well, this is adorable. This short play about unrequited elementary school love is clever, funny, and a nostalgic trip back to childhood. Sharon Goldner has captured perfectly the illogical preteen logic of a girl brainstorming how to get her crush to first notice and then love her. The dialogue between friends and non-friends rings true and makes the time spent in this world delightful.

    Well, this is adorable. This short play about unrequited elementary school love is clever, funny, and a nostalgic trip back to childhood. Sharon Goldner has captured perfectly the illogical preteen logic of a girl brainstorming how to get her crush to first notice and then love her. The dialogue between friends and non-friends rings true and makes the time spent in this world delightful.

  • Lisa Dellagiarino Feriend: Belle, Ex-Wife of a Beast (monologue)

    This monologue in which Belle finally finds her happily ever after is delightful! I love how it points out the many (many!) things wrong with the fairy tale in such a humorous way. This would be a ton of fun for an actor to perform, and I would love to see the animated sequel that begins when this monologue ends.

    This monologue in which Belle finally finds her happily ever after is delightful! I love how it points out the many (many!) things wrong with the fairy tale in such a humorous way. This would be a ton of fun for an actor to perform, and I would love to see the animated sequel that begins when this monologue ends.

  • Lisa Dellagiarino Feriend: The Drummer Boy: A Musical

    Perennially topical, this musical about a school shooting should be performed everywhere. Jumping around in time, we relive the shooting and aftermath multiple times, through the eyes of students, teachers, parents, and shooters (who aren't given names, which I love). The whole thing is heartbreaking. I especially liked the play on 'false flag.' I was trying to decide which song was the biggest gut punch, but the line that hit me hardest ended up not being in a song at all: "Is someone going to save us?" Flood the theaters with this play, and maybe one day someone will.

    Perennially topical, this musical about a school shooting should be performed everywhere. Jumping around in time, we relive the shooting and aftermath multiple times, through the eyes of students, teachers, parents, and shooters (who aren't given names, which I love). The whole thing is heartbreaking. I especially liked the play on 'false flag.' I was trying to decide which song was the biggest gut punch, but the line that hit me hardest ended up not being in a song at all: "Is someone going to save us?" Flood the theaters with this play, and maybe one day someone will.

  • Lisa Dellagiarino Feriend: The Devils Between Us

    I was sucked into this play from the start and 111 pages flew by. What a captivating story about the things from our pasts that hold us hostage and the ways in which we try to break free. I loved it!

    I was sucked into this play from the start and 111 pages flew by. What a captivating story about the things from our pasts that hold us hostage and the ways in which we try to break free. I loved it!

  • Lisa Dellagiarino Feriend: The Pity Mourner (Ten Minute)

    A comedy in a funeral parlor! This short is delightful. Especially after two years of COVID, it's nice to read a play about two people connecting through small acts of compassion. It's a nice reminder that there are good people in the world - and that you never know how you're going to meet that special someone.

    A comedy in a funeral parlor! This short is delightful. Especially after two years of COVID, it's nice to read a play about two people connecting through small acts of compassion. It's a nice reminder that there are good people in the world - and that you never know how you're going to meet that special someone.

  • Lisa Dellagiarino Feriend: Seventh Inning Stretch (Ten Minute)

    This short comedy is a lot of fun! Max is currently a YouTube sensation for all the wrong reasons, and he swears he will never leave his house again. I loved the natural dialogue as the characters bantered back and forth, and I'd be interested to see what happens next for both Max and Carla, who was also featured in the YouTube video.

    This short comedy is a lot of fun! Max is currently a YouTube sensation for all the wrong reasons, and he swears he will never leave his house again. I loved the natural dialogue as the characters bantered back and forth, and I'd be interested to see what happens next for both Max and Carla, who was also featured in the YouTube video.