Recommended by Lisa Dellagiarino Feriend

  • Judgement Day
    24 Aug. 2021
    This short play is so special. Carrie Fischer and Debbie Reynolds meet outside the gates of Heaven, and D. Lee Miller imagines (perfectly!) what they would say to each other. What a wonderful play which captures their dynamic flawlessly. I had a wonderful time spending time with them again after all these years.
  • Arboreal Conquests
    23 Aug. 2021
    YES. What an emotional rollercoaster, and it’s only one page long. Forget Shel Silverstein’s boy and Giving Tree, THIS is the duo I want to follow through the years.
  • Birthday Beer
    22 Aug. 2021
    TOO CUTE. This short play is so sweet and fun and ends just the way I wanted it to. I love all the little touches that make these characters so real and so relatable. Jacquie Floyd-Priskorn has managed to give us an entire, fleshed out romantic comedy in only ten minutes. I love it.
  • Scream
    21 Aug. 2021
    I really enjoyed this short play and what it has to say about humans, our empathy (or lack thereof), and how we always seem to mess everything up. It made a powerful point while delivering some jokes that had me giggling along the way. A clever concept, delightfully executed!
  • Goodbye, Bobby
    21 Aug. 2021
    I loved Philip Middleton Williams's full length, "Can't Live Without You," so when I saw that this short is an epilogue to that, I was VERY excited - but "Goodbye, Bobby" absolutely stands on its own and doesn't require you to be familiar with its prequel in order to understand what's going on. And what's going on is SO interesting. Any writer knows the feeling of that character you just can't shake, that character who feels so incredibly real to you. How do you know that they exist in your mind and not the other way around? A terrific what-if!
  • The Mummies with the Golden Tongues
    21 Aug. 2021
    Ooooh I really like this short piece! One mummy has a golden tongue and is just insufferable. The other mummy has no outstanding characteristics. They both know exactly who's going to be chosen for the naming ceremony. I enjoyed how easy Mummy #1 was to dislike - he gave me big Gaston from Beauty and the Beast vibes - and I was surprised by how touched I was by the ending.
  • The Great Khan
    12 Aug. 2021
    Oh my gosh, I adore this. It touches on so many things - racism, how history is told by the victors, and the struggles of adolescence, just to name a few. The dialogue is brilliant, the mother/son relationship in the play is adorable, and Genghis Khan shows up! "The Great Khan" taught me many things, such as 1. The Mongols invented pants, and 2. I should read more of Michael Gene Sullivan's work.
  • Reincarnate
    11 Aug. 2021
    What a clever idea this is! This short play depicts a meeting of a support group for reincarnated playwrights who are struggling to shake free of their famous former selves. The dialogue is smart and funny and moves at a satisfying clip as these five characters struggle to accept who they are now, and forget who they once were. So much fun!
  • Today Is My Birthday
    11 Aug. 2021
    I love this. A play told entirely through phone calls/messages and radio, it took me back to the loneliness and uncertainty of my late 20s while at the same time being very funny.
  • Top Shelf Tolstoy
    9 Aug. 2021
    Oh my gosh, I love this. A woman goes to her local library to get a library card and discovers that the library now has a full bar as a way to raise money - and fewer books. So much fun! Smart and fast and so engaging, this would be an audience favorite in any evening of short plays.
