Recommended by Lisa Dellagiarino Feriend

  • Lisa Dellagiarino Feriend: In the Slush

    Oh my goodness, I devoured this play! With quick dialogue and a plot full of surprises, "In the Slush" is a treat from start to finish. It was one step ahead of me the whole time, and I loved it.

    Oh my goodness, I devoured this play! With quick dialogue and a plot full of surprises, "In the Slush" is a treat from start to finish. It was one step ahead of me the whole time, and I loved it.

  • Lisa Dellagiarino Feriend: Strangers on a Train

    If you like dark comedies, "Strangers on a Train" is for you. Two people strike up a conversation after their train is delayed because someone committed suicide by jumping in front of it (really ruining everyone's plans for the day), and things escalate from there. And escalate... and escalate...

    If you like dark comedies, "Strangers on a Train" is for you. Two people strike up a conversation after their train is delayed because someone committed suicide by jumping in front of it (really ruining everyone's plans for the day), and things escalate from there. And escalate... and escalate...

  • Lisa Dellagiarino Feriend: The Actress - One Act Play

    A blackmail rendezvous on the Staten Island Ferry - what's not to love? "The Actress" has several surprising twists and an ending that made me smile. It's a fun, quick play that would be easy to stage and cheap to produce. Nice work!

    A blackmail rendezvous on the Staten Island Ferry - what's not to love? "The Actress" has several surprising twists and an ending that made me smile. It's a fun, quick play that would be easy to stage and cheap to produce. Nice work!

  • Lisa Dellagiarino Feriend: Ghosts of Whitechapel

    What a beautiful play. "Ghosts of Whitechapel" follows the five victims of Jack the Ripper as they tell their stories - without ever saying his name. It is moving and haunting and empowering as well, as these women reclaim their lives and their stories. Such lovely work!

    What a beautiful play. "Ghosts of Whitechapel" follows the five victims of Jack the Ripper as they tell their stories - without ever saying his name. It is moving and haunting and empowering as well, as these women reclaim their lives and their stories. Such lovely work!

  • Lisa Dellagiarino Feriend: The Presidency of William Henry Harrison in Real Time: A 10 Minute Play

    As a former US history teacher, I am this play's target audience. I was really hoping it would be good, and it WAS. Very smart and very funny while still being very factual - quite a feat! It had me giggling, and it left me thinking about what makes a legacy and why. Delightful work!

    As a former US history teacher, I am this play's target audience. I was really hoping it would be good, and it WAS. Very smart and very funny while still being very factual - quite a feat! It had me giggling, and it left me thinking about what makes a legacy and why. Delightful work!

  • Lisa Dellagiarino Feriend: Tooth Or Dare

    What a quick, smart, funny play! The Tooth Fairy has been given a bad review, and she will NOT let it stand. Emily McClain's play was a delight from start to finish. I would love to see it on stage.

    What a quick, smart, funny play! The Tooth Fairy has been given a bad review, and she will NOT let it stand. Emily McClain's play was a delight from start to finish. I would love to see it on stage.

  • Lisa Dellagiarino Feriend: JQA

    I love theater and I love American history, so I am always excited when the two intersect in a well done way, and "JQA" is one such intersection. In addition to bringing these historical figures down to earth and making them real live humans with flaws and doubts, it also serves to remind us of how often history repeats itself and how many of the issues our founders struggled with remain unresolved, waiting for us.

    I love theater and I love American history, so I am always excited when the two intersect in a well done way, and "JQA" is one such intersection. In addition to bringing these historical figures down to earth and making them real live humans with flaws and doubts, it also serves to remind us of how often history repeats itself and how many of the issues our founders struggled with remain unresolved, waiting for us.

  • Lisa Dellagiarino Feriend: The Fast and the Führer-Less

    Sometimes you read a play just based on the title and are thrilled when it doesn't disappoint you. What a delightful 15 minutes! I thoroughly enjoyed watching events descend into calculated insanity. This play is a lot of fun.

    Sometimes you read a play just based on the title and are thrilled when it doesn't disappoint you. What a delightful 15 minutes! I thoroughly enjoyed watching events descend into calculated insanity. This play is a lot of fun.

  • Lisa Dellagiarino Feriend: Clasp

    What a sweet, sad play. It's told so simply, yet it conveys what it's been like to live through this pandemic better than anything else I've seen so far. So well done!

    What a sweet, sad play. It's told so simply, yet it conveys what it's been like to live through this pandemic better than anything else I've seen so far. So well done!

  • Lisa Dellagiarino Feriend: Jesus at 10 (an evening of 10 short plays)

    I love stories that portray Jesus and those close to him as regular people with hopes and dreams and fears and flaws, and this collection of shorts does just that. It makes you see the Jesus story in a new light and leaves you with a lot to think about. While each piece can stand on its own, it's particularly moving to experience them all together. What a lovely and surprisingly touching collection of shorts!

    I love stories that portray Jesus and those close to him as regular people with hopes and dreams and fears and flaws, and this collection of shorts does just that. It makes you see the Jesus story in a new light and leaves you with a lot to think about. While each piece can stand on its own, it's particularly moving to experience them all together. What a lovely and surprisingly touching collection of shorts!