Recommended by Lisa Dellagiarino Feriend

  • Lisa Dellagiarino Feriend: Ida Invisible

    This fairy tale challenges what it means to live happily ever after, and I love it. It is so sweet and full of jokes for both kids and grown ups. I would love to take my kids to see this when theater returns!

    This fairy tale challenges what it means to live happily ever after, and I love it. It is so sweet and full of jokes for both kids and grown ups. I would love to take my kids to see this when theater returns!

  • Lisa Dellagiarino Feriend: Pestilence: WOW!

    This is a delight. A reality tv show set during the Bubonic Plague with a host on roller skates and a cast of contestants you love to hate, "Pestilence: WOW!" was a blast to read - but it also resonates in a surprising way, through all the comedy and madcap antics, when you read it during the current plague that we're living though. I loved the concept, I loved the characters, I loved the title, I loved it all. Here's hoping we all survive our current pestilence and get to laugh at this story together in a theater very soon.

    This is a delight. A reality tv show set during the Bubonic Plague with a host on roller skates and a cast of contestants you love to hate, "Pestilence: WOW!" was a blast to read - but it also resonates in a surprising way, through all the comedy and madcap antics, when you read it during the current plague that we're living though. I loved the concept, I loved the characters, I loved the title, I loved it all. Here's hoping we all survive our current pestilence and get to laugh at this story together in a theater very soon.

  • Lisa Dellagiarino Feriend: Vagina of Vengeance

    I love this short play. Love, love love. A woman removes her vagina and now she's conflicted about what the consequences might be. I love the comedy, I love the weirdness, I love the revenge fantasy. It's so great. "Vagina of Vengeance" is so unique, and yet also feels like the most natural artistic response to living through the Trump years. (Plus the title is fantastic.)

    I love this short play. Love, love love. A woman removes her vagina and now she's conflicted about what the consequences might be. I love the comedy, I love the weirdness, I love the revenge fantasy. It's so great. "Vagina of Vengeance" is so unique, and yet also feels like the most natural artistic response to living through the Trump years. (Plus the title is fantastic.)

  • Lisa Dellagiarino Feriend: 3 Characters Figure It Out

    Meta plays can be tricky to pull off well, but this one charmed me. I loved the reactions of the characters each time they learned what they had to do next, and the ridiculous ways the play heightened. Clever and fun!

    Meta plays can be tricky to pull off well, but this one charmed me. I loved the reactions of the characters each time they learned what they had to do next, and the ridiculous ways the play heightened. Clever and fun!

  • Lisa Dellagiarino Feriend: Classic Portia

    This short play is so much fun. A frazzled showrunner is trying to get the writer's room to tell the story of Portia, her love for Brutus, and the assassination of Julius Caesar from a fresh, new angle. It is not going well - but every attempt is entertaining. I thoroughly enjoyed this one!

    This short play is so much fun. A frazzled showrunner is trying to get the writer's room to tell the story of Portia, her love for Brutus, and the assassination of Julius Caesar from a fresh, new angle. It is not going well - but every attempt is entertaining. I thoroughly enjoyed this one!

  • Lisa Dellagiarino Feriend: Lundy, Don't Be a Hero

    I spent the last four years wondering what the Secret Service thinks, and this 10 minute play gives a hilarious answer. I love it. The escalation is perfect and the dialogue is hilarious. Ken Levine is a treasure.

    I spent the last four years wondering what the Secret Service thinks, and this 10 minute play gives a hilarious answer. I love it. The escalation is perfect and the dialogue is hilarious. Ken Levine is a treasure.

  • Lisa Dellagiarino Feriend: Fallen to the Communists

    A widower's daughter just got her first period - what's a dad to do? This 10 minute play is equal parts sweet and silly. It would be a memorable one in any 10 minute play festival.

    A widower's daughter just got her first period - what's a dad to do? This 10 minute play is equal parts sweet and silly. It would be a memorable one in any 10 minute play festival.

  • Lisa Dellagiarino Feriend: THE SPIN

    This play realizes the full potential of what is capable with a virtual play. The dialogue is realistic, the plot is engaging, and there were more wonderful tiny details than I can mention. Even now, with Zoom fatigue, I would still love to see this play. So well done!

    This play realizes the full potential of what is capable with a virtual play. The dialogue is realistic, the plot is engaging, and there were more wonderful tiny details than I can mention. Even now, with Zoom fatigue, I would still love to see this play. So well done!

  • Lisa Dellagiarino Feriend: Marcus and Sextus Take A Bloody Walk Around London

    This play is so much fun! Two ghosts of Roman legionaries talk about the past as they walk around London and one discusses the unfinished business keeping him there. I would love to see this one. I can hear the characters so distinctly, even just reading it on the page. Such a great concept for a play!

    This play is so much fun! Two ghosts of Roman legionaries talk about the past as they walk around London and one discusses the unfinished business keeping him there. I would love to see this one. I can hear the characters so distinctly, even just reading it on the page. Such a great concept for a play!

  • Lisa Dellagiarino Feriend: Sorry, Shakespeare

    Even Shakespeare gets rejections sometimes. This 10 minute play is a delight! Very clever and very fun.

    Even Shakespeare gets rejections sometimes. This 10 minute play is a delight! Very clever and very fun.