Recommended by Lisa Dellagiarino Feriend

  • Lisa Dellagiarino Feriend: NIXIN' NIXON (10 Minute Play)

    This short play made me laugh. A young woman is having an old, unrequited love over for dinner and needs her roommate to get rid of the (autographed!) picture of Richard Nixon in the bathroom- but behind the picture is a hole in the wall. What to do? Very fun and funny. This would be a great addition to a night of 10 minute plays!

    This short play made me laugh. A young woman is having an old, unrequited love over for dinner and needs her roommate to get rid of the (autographed!) picture of Richard Nixon in the bathroom- but behind the picture is a hole in the wall. What to do? Very fun and funny. This would be a great addition to a night of 10 minute plays!

  • Lisa Dellagiarino Feriend: HANDSOME

    "Handsome" tells the story of Phyllis Hudson (aka Mrs. Rock) in a very unique way: by using two Phyllises. Phyllis Hudson meets, marries, and divorces Rock Hudson and Phyllis Gates watches it all unfold from the future, after Rock Hudson has died, with all the knowledge she has gained in the intervening years. The two Phyllises interact as they tell their story, with Phyllis Gates sometimes letting accidental spoilers slip for her younger self, though she never lets Rock's biggest secret slip until the very end - mirroring how, in real life, Phyllis felt she was the last to know.

    "Handsome" tells the story of Phyllis Hudson (aka Mrs. Rock) in a very unique way: by using two Phyllises. Phyllis Hudson meets, marries, and divorces Rock Hudson and Phyllis Gates watches it all unfold from the future, after Rock Hudson has died, with all the knowledge she has gained in the intervening years. The two Phyllises interact as they tell their story, with Phyllis Gates sometimes letting accidental spoilers slip for her younger self, though she never lets Rock's biggest secret slip until the very end - mirroring how, in real life, Phyllis felt she was the last to know.

  • Lisa Dellagiarino Feriend: The Age of Understanding or, The Character of Dad

    This short play is lovely. It speaks to the difficulties of transitioning to parenthood, especially when your own parents left you with baggage. A beautiful reminder that we're all just trying to do the best we can.

    This short play is lovely. It speaks to the difficulties of transitioning to parenthood, especially when your own parents left you with baggage. A beautiful reminder that we're all just trying to do the best we can.

  • Lisa Dellagiarino Feriend: The Man Who Shot Hitler

    This short play is GREAT. A dark comedy in which Hitler (post-self inflicted gunshot wound) crawls through a mirror to console another fascist leader hiding in another bunker and to offer some advice. I love the allusions to present-day America and I love the open ended ending. With sharp, smart dialogue, I would love to see this on stage!

    This short play is GREAT. A dark comedy in which Hitler (post-self inflicted gunshot wound) crawls through a mirror to console another fascist leader hiding in another bunker and to offer some advice. I love the allusions to present-day America and I love the open ended ending. With sharp, smart dialogue, I would love to see this on stage!

  • Lisa Dellagiarino Feriend: Women, Am I Right?

    Maybe I'm biased, but I think this very short play makes a very good point. Fun and funny, I knew I was in for a treat by the time I reached the character list: the three characters are described as 'a man, a dude, and a bro.' A delightful two-page play!

    Maybe I'm biased, but I think this very short play makes a very good point. Fun and funny, I knew I was in for a treat by the time I reached the character list: the three characters are described as 'a man, a dude, and a bro.' A delightful two-page play!

  • Lisa Dellagiarino Feriend: Endowed: Or, The Play With The Butt-Plug

    I wanted to read more stuff by Toby Malone, so I picked this play (naturally - I mean, it has 'butt-plug' in the title!) and it did NOT disappoint. Four sympathetic, well-rounded characters come together over a butt-plug for an insane reason and hilarity ensues. I loved the dialogue and the physical and visual gags (the juxtaposition of grief with a butt plug is perfection) and the stage directions are a delight. For a good time, read this play.

    I wanted to read more stuff by Toby Malone, so I picked this play (naturally - I mean, it has 'butt-plug' in the title!) and it did NOT disappoint. Four sympathetic, well-rounded characters come together over a butt-plug for an insane reason and hilarity ensues. I loved the dialogue and the physical and visual gags (the juxtaposition of grief with a butt plug is perfection) and the stage directions are a delight. For a good time, read this play.

  • Lisa Dellagiarino Feriend: I Will Miss You When You're Gone

    I loved this play. A dramedy about life and death, grief and loneliness, and what it means to be a missing person, it is one of the best plays I've read in a while. I don't want to reveal too much more about the plot, because I loved watching it unfold with all its twists and surprises, but you should read this play because it is wonderful. Darkly comedic and with four great roles for women, I would love to see this play staged.

    I loved this play. A dramedy about life and death, grief and loneliness, and what it means to be a missing person, it is one of the best plays I've read in a while. I don't want to reveal too much more about the plot, because I loved watching it unfold with all its twists and surprises, but you should read this play because it is wonderful. Darkly comedic and with four great roles for women, I would love to see this play staged.

  • Lisa Dellagiarino Feriend: UPRISING

    A fictional story told against the backdrop of John Brown's Raid on Harper's Ferry, "Uprising" follows Sal and her free Black community as a fugitive participant of the raid shows up, injured and needing help - and the repercussions faced for helping him. Gabrielle Fulton weaves music and magical realism into the story, creating an engaging, bittersweet, gorgeous piece of theater.

    A fictional story told against the backdrop of John Brown's Raid on Harper's Ferry, "Uprising" follows Sal and her free Black community as a fugitive participant of the raid shows up, injured and needing help - and the repercussions faced for helping him. Gabrielle Fulton weaves music and magical realism into the story, creating an engaging, bittersweet, gorgeous piece of theater.

  • Lisa Dellagiarino Feriend: Arabia, Arabia!

    This play about a real-life Danish expedition to the Arabian peninsula is told in such a unique way! Historically, all but one of the characters die, but our Narrator finds a book about the expedition and, upon opening it, becomes part of the story and tries to change the course of history (flipping forward in the story every so often to see how well they're doing). A fast, fun reimagining of an expedition and a group of people I had never heard of, with a perfect ending as we learn why the Narrator is so invested in this tale.

    This play about a real-life Danish expedition to the Arabian peninsula is told in such a unique way! Historically, all but one of the characters die, but our Narrator finds a book about the expedition and, upon opening it, becomes part of the story and tries to change the course of history (flipping forward in the story every so often to see how well they're doing). A fast, fun reimagining of an expedition and a group of people I had never heard of, with a perfect ending as we learn why the Narrator is so invested in this tale.

  • Lisa Dellagiarino Feriend: The Hanging Girl

    "The Hanging Girl" is a wonderful, creepy, ghost story of a play. An urban legend comes to life for a bunch of teenagers near an old, abandoned quarry. I especially loved the scenes where the past and the present played out simultaneously. I would love to see this play on its feet.

    "The Hanging Girl" is a wonderful, creepy, ghost story of a play. An urban legend comes to life for a bunch of teenagers near an old, abandoned quarry. I especially loved the scenes where the past and the present played out simultaneously. I would love to see this play on its feet.