Recommended by Lisa Dellagiarino Feriend

  • Tooth Or Dare
    30 Dec. 2020
    What a quick, smart, funny play! The Tooth Fairy has been given a bad review, and she will NOT let it stand. Emily McClain's play was a delight from start to finish. I would love to see it on stage.
  • JQA
    29 Dec. 2020
    I love theater and I love American history, so I am always excited when the two intersect in a well done way, and "JQA" is one such intersection. In addition to bringing these historical figures down to earth and making them real live humans with flaws and doubts, it also serves to remind us of how often history repeats itself and how many of the issues our founders struggled with remain unresolved, waiting for us.
  • The Fast and the Führer-Less
    26 Dec. 2020
    Sometimes you read a play just based on the title and are thrilled when it doesn't disappoint you. What a delightful 15 minutes! I thoroughly enjoyed watching events descend into calculated insanity. This play is a lot of fun.
  • Clasp
    26 Dec. 2020
    What a sweet, sad play. It's told so simply, yet it conveys what it's been like to live through this pandemic better than anything else I've seen so far. So well done!
  • Jesus at 10 (an evening of 10 short plays)
    26 Dec. 2020
    I love stories that portray Jesus and those close to him as regular people with hopes and dreams and fears and flaws, and this collection of shorts does just that. It makes you see the Jesus story in a new light and leaves you with a lot to think about. While each piece can stand on its own, it's particularly moving to experience them all together. What a lovely and surprisingly touching collection of shorts!
  • Detached
    24 Dec. 2020
    I love Melanie Coffey's writing, and I love dark comedies, so I thoroughly enjoyed "Detached"! A family taking their patriarch off life support doesn't seem like a subject that will get you giggling, but this play manages to do it. I would love to see it staged one day, when theater can happen again.
  • Monica: This Play Is Not About Monica Lewinsky
    12 Dec. 2020
    Oh my goodness, this play! So smart, so heartbreaking, so spot on! Dianne Nora has a great ear for dialogue and perfectly captures the difficulty of being a woman made infamous and defined by her sexuality. I thoroughly enjoyed reading this and would love to see it staged!
  • From the Perspective of a Canoe
    12 Nov. 2020
    Perhaps it's morally nebulous to recommend a play your sister wrote, but I think this play is wonderful. It deals with the aftermath of a mass shooting, from the perspective of the family of the shooter (one of whom refuses to exit the titular canoe). An exploration of how a person who feels they're not allowed to grieve handles grief, this play is smart and also - somehow - very funny.
  • The Mockingbird's Nest
    28 Oct. 2020
    "The Mockingbird's Nest" is a quick, engaging read with a twist that I DID NOT EXPECT. I thoroughly enjoyed the way it unfolded, and how it managed to become pretty creepy while remaining very simple - the best kind of creepiness. With a simple set and two great roles for women over 50, this play would be easy to stage and I'm sure would leave the audience talking about it long after it's over.
  • The Backus Family Religious Spectacular (and Luncheon)
    20 Oct. 2020
    This play is delightfully bizarre. I did a lot of giggling while muttering, "What is happening?" which is a combination I really enjoy. But then I always tend to enjoy the things that fall out of Ross Compton's head.
