Recommended by Rachel Feeny-Williams

  • Body And Soul
    21 Apr. 2021
    Reading this piece I went through various points of thinking what the play could be. From initial thoughts of a 'beauty and the beast' type take through a dark tale of exploitation and then with the brilliant twist at the end this left me wanting to know more about the story. I fully believe this would be brilliant as a full length piece as it kept me guessing!
  • Dolly
    21 Apr. 2021
    When I first started reading this play I was giggling within the first few pages. The crazy concept of how these two women meet would definitely have any audience laughing. I was ready for the farcical content to continue but then came a heartfelt moment which balanced the play perfectly. I personally think this would make a great two hander for strong actresses.
  • Waltzing On The Wind
    9 Apr. 2021
    A really beautiful yet sad piece. Having read the concept I was interested to see what I would find and wasn't disappointed. It was really lovely to read but I can see it on stage and the wind being choreographed through fans so the actresses air and clothes move in different ways depending on how she and the wind are relating to each other.
  • Hair Undone
    9 Apr. 2021
    From the moment I started this piece there were lines that made me smile, both because they are very funny and because I (like so many) know what its like to be 'Zoom Crazy' and desperate for a hair cut. This piece perfectly captures a snippet into what this crazy time has been like for people and adds a moment of seriousness to perfectly balance it.
  • Fix
    9 Apr. 2021
    This play takes the idea of recovery but doesn't sugar coat it to make it easy like some films have done the past. Despite being a short piece you do feel for the characters and their situation regarding their current relationships and past mistakes. A nice intimate piece despite having a serious topic.
    6 Apr. 2021
    A lovely piece telling the story of a boy taking the journey of love and the complications it entails. This piece gives the the character a lovely individual voice.
    6 Apr. 2021
    A brilliantly funny piece. I love the personality of the two characters and the witty back and forth. Had me laughing out loud pretty much from the beginning.
  • Taming the Lion
    30 Mar. 2021
    This is a wonderfully funny piece with some fantastic imagery. I can see the two actors becoming the animals they talk about. There is also a powerful message in my opinion relating to the stifling of our creativity and individuality (the taming of the animal) between being a child and becoming a grown up. A great piece all in all.
  • Breaking the Cycle (A Monologue)
    30 Mar. 2021
    A very emotional and powerful piece. Domestic violence for those not in it can seem like something just from the news but Marcia has made this experience sound very real in this piece. I am glad it had a powerful message at the end about the choices we make. This would make a great piece for a drama student as it explores a relevant and powerful subject.
  • Maria and Little Joey Have a Baby
    27 Mar. 2021
    A wonderfully tense piece with two great distinctive characters. I also love the gangster terminology that's used. This piece will have an audience on the edge of their seat.
