Recommended by Rachel Feeny-Williams

  • Midnight Mass (Monologue)
    25 Apr. 2022
    I ended this piece having many questions, in the best possible way. I wanted to know more about this character and how he arrived at this situation. He's a well created character and his story holds your attention. Dark, powerful and compelling.
  • Three Husbands (Monologue)
    25 Apr. 2022
    Reading this as someone who hasn't married, you can't help but feel the institution is full of issues. You can feel for the woman as she discusses the 'blips' that have been her marriages. A lovely piece.
  • A MAN WALKS INTO A BAR [10-Minute Play]
    25 Apr. 2022
    It makes you smile when you think of this guy walking into a bar on a Wednesday and his drink is known. From there the back and forth dialogue between the two characters that slowly constructs their relationship without 'spelling it out' is brilliantly done. I found myself leaning forward in the chair wanting to know how it would play out. It certainly creates a different snapshot of the 'local friendly barkeep'. Very well written and would make a brilliant festival piece.
  • This is a Safe Space!
    25 Apr. 2022
    Safe spaces have indeed been created here. Peter invites his audience to witness a snapshot of what happened when bullying and victimisation is allowed to continue throughout a persons life and what effects that can have on a person. Bullying is normally something we associate with children but these parents show very effectively how it can affect your whole life. Its a piece that truly educates to a brilliant level. I think schools could do with something like this as an educational tool. Very powerful and wonderfully written.
  • Leave it to the Angels
    25 Apr. 2022
    This play grabs you from the word go. You're intrigued by the premise and the introduction to Jennifer. You then get to giggle at the straight talking back and fourth between the two sisters as they discuss the reason behind them being 'back'. The play then unfolds into a cleverly created story of how much a person can change a life. Its funny and makes you think at the same time. For the right actresses, it could be the cherry on your performances!
  • The Sticking Point (Ten Minute)
    11 Apr. 2022
    When you are constantly exposed to varying opinions on vaccines its nice to have it concentrated down into one very heated but intriguing debate. The moral here is that parents will do whatever it takes for their children, even if that isn't always in their child's best interest. Paul has taken two very interesting parents and the dialogue just flows naturally. It's a piece that's a good fit for our time and very well done.
  • Memorial Day (Full Length)
    11 Apr. 2022
    To take something that has been considered horrifying, like the AIDS epidemic and create something that emotionally stirs an audience is a brilliant thing. Its a play where you want to feel for the characters and the truly heart breaking events that make up some of this wonderful play will be ones you will feel and won't forget. Some theatre makes you think, some makes you feel. This piece most certainly does both and I think for that reason alone it needs to be seen.
  • The Guest Host
    11 Apr. 2022
    Only we know enough about ourselves to know what holds us back. That's one of the many things that David explores in this brilliantly tense piece that forces both the characters and the audience to be confronted by the idea that we may not want 'that voice' to tell us the things we don't want to hear but they are going to tell us anyway because whether we want to admit it to ourselves or not, we invite them in because we want/need the help to move through something in our lives, truly brilliant look at the mind.
  • Miss Communication
    11 Apr. 2022
    A fascinating (and alarmingly accurate) portrayal of modern society and its addiction to social media over actual experience. The playwright offers a great insight into the lives of the two characters as they talk purely in Social Media/text speech. Its very well done and the ending completes the frame around this commentary on society perfectly.
  • The Lady or The Tiger?
    11 Apr. 2022
    Christopher instantly draws you in to this tense situation and raises all kinds of questions (which I think is always a great start). Then as the story unfolds you can't help but "oooo" at the dangerous situation that Marcus has found himself in. You lean forward dying to know more as the situation further reveals the truths that have been hidden. I was captivated all the way through and the end, it did make me smile but I won't say more than that because you really should read it yourself.
