Recommended by Rachel Feeny-Williams

  • A Johnnie Walker Blue Christmas
    15 Mar. 2022
    The last thing you want at Christmas is to be haunted by the ghost of bullies past but John takes this interaction, which could end horrendously and sprinkles a dose of Christmas Essence that allows the audience to experience a beautiful moment at the end. I won't say too much for fear of spoiling it but this piece is one that will make you feel warm inside, and not just from the Johnnie Walker.
  • Does it Bring You Joy? (A Monologue)
    15 Mar. 2022
    This wonderful monologue is a brilliant snapshot that finds you in the life of Edith as she exclaims about having nothing to wear! Its a conundrum that many women face as well as the dreaded idea of the 'clear out' but Nora brilliantly sculpts the circle of the story so that Edith tells the story of her clothes, her conundrum and the final conclusion of doing exactly what she wants to do. Its just a wonderful piece.
  • The Best
    10 Mar. 2022
    Ok so through the first 9 pages of this script I was leaning further and further forward, desperate to know what the secret was! Bruce builds tension in a brilliant way as you watch the lie unfold. Once you as the audience are aware of the secret Bruce unfolds the details of the event expertly so you feel sorry for the wife who is going to find out about it. I can't say too much more on the story without ruining it for you but its a piece that makes you think and makes you want to know more. Enticing!
  • Sliding into Seniorhood
    10 Mar. 2022
    From the very first two page scene, this piece had be intrigued and asking many questions about the characters, which is always a great place to start a play. From there you are guided through a series of snapshots in the lives of other, equally brilliantly created characters. Through the piece you will find yourself laughing with them, smiling with them and crying with them. By the end you won't want to let them go. Kim's wonderful play that allows these characters to share there stories with you is one that needs a stage and an audience to see it!
  • All in Good Time
    10 Mar. 2022
    Such a beautiful snapshot of the "what if?" question. Alli has created two lovely characters with rich history and family lives and allows you as the audience to experience it. You can't help but smile as they talk about their work, home, families and children. This piece has it all, moments of smiles, moments of out loud laughs, moments of sadness and moments of thought, all in 12 pages! Its a wonderful piece that makes me want to know more about the characters. A wonderful piece.
  • Eden 2
    10 Mar. 2022
    Woah! I can't even imagine what was going through the characters minds when 'the voice' drops their news. Morey truly has a wonderful imagination! To take an already 'far out' idea, like the repopulation of Mars and add the twist he does is just brilliant. The fact that he's able to do all of this and have me giggling out loud at certain points is just marvellous! Its a piece that would be really great to see, so produce it!
  • Can You Hear Me Now?
    10 Mar. 2022
    This is a brilliantly funny back and forth and made me think of 'what would have happened if no one had invented phones'? Morey creates wonderful characters with witty humour with some lovely sprinkles of word play. This piece would make a brilliant sketch for a variety show or to show kids at school because where would they be without smart phones?! Very well done and wonderfully funny, what more could you want?
    10 Mar. 2022
    "Opening up about this isn’t easy", a very true sentiment and something Sam explores very well in this piece. He almost lures you into the false sense that this is a boy worried about 'normal' teenage things and then the moment strikes where you see Aaron for what he is. From there the piece becomes intensely dark as emotions are explored, revelations are made and justice is satisfied. Its a wonderful piece that drives through a rollercoaster of emotions and made me want to protect Clay.
  • Rolling My Own
    6 Mar. 2022
    Well...that's an interesting way to send off a friend. Its a truly intrieguing concept about friendship and the interesting ways you can say goodbye. Its got wonderfully funny dialogue and brilliantly created characters with a truly fabulous ending! What else could you want!
  • Don't Flip Your Snood
    6 Mar. 2022
    We read Rex's piece as part of our Sunday night play reading. Its a wonderfully funny back and forth that results in the 'player' turkey getting exactly whats coming to him! Its just wonderful!
