Recommended by Rachel Feeny-Williams

  • A Sign Is a Sign
    4 Mar. 2022
    Just when you feel like the sadness of Peter's character feeling like his life is meaningless is going to overwhelm you, he gives you this beautiful moment that reminds us all that in our lives there are always relationships and someone is always out there who cares. Peter creates a lovely symbol of hope through this piece and by the end I couldn't help but smile. The world needs theatre like this right now!
  • Invisible Woman
    4 Mar. 2022
    I can't help but apply my own interpretation to this brilliant and powerful piece. Its a piece that inspires you to think about the attention women get from men, how its not always positive or wanted and how sometimes all you want to do is huddle into a ball and be left alone. Then on the other side, some women want nothing more than to be seen and appreciated but get nothing. All of these ideas and notions are inspired by Nora's piece. As well as being a brilliant piece on its own I am dying to know more!
  • The Gates of Hell - A Comedy
    4 Mar. 2022
    We all think about the 'what ifs' of our lives now and then but in this case, a dream of eternal damnation leading Andrew to go after what (or who) he wants is the ultimate confrontation of the 'what if'. Its a funny and well formed story that provides a moral, romance and a chuckle, what more could you want? Its a piece that is sure to have an audience leaving thinking about their 'what ifs'.
  • Joey Adult (Optional Series Ending)
    4 Mar. 2022
    Joey, as a character is someone an audience will have seen suffer through unimaginable things so the fact that he is able to stand and give this beautifully written speach to end is just another example of why this collection of pieces is so extraordinary. Joey is a series that exposes so much raw emotion that an audience can't fail to be affected by it. Its a piece that not only needs to be seen it deserves to be seen. Joey's story needs to be one that you remember, and I think audiences will. Its a perfect way to end.
  • Last Laugh
    4 Mar. 2022
    Wow! The intertwined world of comedy and family drama/tragedy that has been created here is truly fabulous. Morey takes you on an emotional rollar coaster as Jennifer and Jackie present you with snapshots of witty back and forth while intermittently segwaying into beautiful emotional dialogue. You feel for them both the more you discover and you walk away feeling like you've experienced something truly wonderful. Its wonderfully written and beautifully balanced.
  • Stuck at the Top With You
    4 Mar. 2022
    Divorce is always hard but when you find yourself trapped in close proximity, all sorts of chaos can occur, and that's what Alli creates brilliantly. The biting back and forth dialogue between the couple will have you laugh at certain points and debating about which side you're on. Then, just as you think they are going to walk away from each other (you'll have to read it to find out how they do that on a rollar coaster!), the action gives way to a lovely end. Its a great two hander and brilliantly done.
  • Body Positivity
    4 Mar. 2022
    "Everyone is on a diet. Everyone is miserable." is a powerful reflection on how body shape and weight can be seen in our society and Alli frames that with a brilliantly written piece that will resonate with a lot of audiences. The play covers, body positivity, toxic relationships, self confidence and the cycles of abuse and she does all of this poignantly with delicate precision. You won't fail to walk away from this piece cheering for Ayssa and thinking about how this piece needs to be seen by our society.
  • I'm Outside A Starbucks, And It's Raining
    3 Mar. 2022
    Gwen perfectly captures 'that' snapshot moment as she shows exs going through that awkward moment when they run into each other again, made even more awkward by the fact that one of them seems to have everything he wants in life. A very intriguing piece that makes me wonder what happened in Gemma and John's relationship, maybe a prequel?
  • Headstrong
    3 Mar. 2022
    Once again, George has created gorgeously funny characters as the frustrated Mixie desperately tries to convince her husband to abandon his passion for writing for "real life". The dialogue contains a wonderful balance of the sexual and the hilarious as the story twists and turns through the chaos. You never suspect what it coming (no pun intended) and you'll be left truly breathless (in a good way) by the end. Another brilliant piece by George that deserves a production (with an 18+ audience!)
  • Murder, She Caused!
    3 Mar. 2022
    Being cancelled is always a hard thing to hear but the reaction Andrea has is by far the best (and most extreme) reaction I've ever seen. Bruce has constructed not only brilliant characters for the play but a brilliant TV show within it (the stories of Jessica need to be told!) This is a chaotic and brilliantly funny piece that will make an audience giggle and gasp (with dramatic music of course!) Its a great portrayal of how the entertainment industry can be cruel, and a woman scorned can be even crueller! Its just wonderful!
