Recommended by Joe Swenson

  • Joe Swenson: WingTips

    Randy Hunt built a very witty, funny, look into the world and anxiety of dating. Wouldn't it be nice if we could all have a WingPerson right at our fingertips. Kam and Stu will surely make a wonderful match in real-life, but one never knows with someone steering the conversation from the HQ of WingTips. Brilliantly crafted, laughs a second, an awkward first attempt in the driver seat and you have the makings of a sitcom, honestly. Upgrades and cross-sells galore. Stay to the end, that's the best part. Highly recommend this play!

    Randy Hunt built a very witty, funny, look into the world and anxiety of dating. Wouldn't it be nice if we could all have a WingPerson right at our fingertips. Kam and Stu will surely make a wonderful match in real-life, but one never knows with someone steering the conversation from the HQ of WingTips. Brilliantly crafted, laughs a second, an awkward first attempt in the driver seat and you have the makings of a sitcom, honestly. Upgrades and cross-sells galore. Stay to the end, that's the best part. Highly recommend this play!

  • Joe Swenson: Five

    I hated the fact that this story is confined to a short play. Jaxson has written very real characters that you root for, empathize with, and relate to. This show needs an audience for everything that the characters represent, for the authenticity and storytelling. Highly recommend.

    I hated the fact that this story is confined to a short play. Jaxson has written very real characters that you root for, empathize with, and relate to. This show needs an audience for everything that the characters represent, for the authenticity and storytelling. Highly recommend.

  • Joe Swenson: A Certain Pedigree

    Love this play and the consistency of the characters to their dog breed. What fun. Interestingly Rachel builds an environment where dogs/humans are interchangeable. As someone who loves dogs though I love the idea that they remain dogs. RFW is a tremendous artist and so diverse. Congratulations on another compelling piece of art!

    Love this play and the consistency of the characters to their dog breed. What fun. Interestingly Rachel builds an environment where dogs/humans are interchangeable. As someone who loves dogs though I love the idea that they remain dogs. RFW is a tremendous artist and so diverse. Congratulations on another compelling piece of art!

  • Joe Swenson: Faith, Trust and...

    I love this play with all of my heart. This show needs to be stood up on a stage or filmed in a Film-Noir style. Rachel is a master at the crime/drama and to take her efforts to a reimagined Neverland is just the theater experience people need. There’s compelling drama and tension, but it’s the pictures that Rachel paints that makes this such an enjoyable piece. Excellent work!

    I love this play with all of my heart. This show needs to be stood up on a stage or filmed in a Film-Noir style. Rachel is a master at the crime/drama and to take her efforts to a reimagined Neverland is just the theater experience people need. There’s compelling drama and tension, but it’s the pictures that Rachel paints that makes this such an enjoyable piece. Excellent work!

  • Joe Swenson: Voyage To Nowhere

    Jaxson has all the elements of setting up a twist and cleverly hides these elements in the dialogue. What he does brilliantly is not reveal the specifics of the twist until the twist happens. The dialogue keeps you guessing, both characters keep you guessing, and as an audience you guess as well. Excellent job Jaxson. Fun read.

    Jaxson has all the elements of setting up a twist and cleverly hides these elements in the dialogue. What he does brilliantly is not reveal the specifics of the twist until the twist happens. The dialogue keeps you guessing, both characters keep you guessing, and as an audience you guess as well. Excellent job Jaxson. Fun read.

  • Joe Swenson: Burning the Candle at Both Ends

    Awesome! A lifetime in one minute. I could see every moment and I enjoyed the entire minute. This would be fun to stage.

    Awesome! A lifetime in one minute. I could see every moment and I enjoyed the entire minute. This would be fun to stage.

  • Joe Swenson: BIKE FOR $ALE!!! GREAT PRI¢E!!!

    Suspenseful, well paced monologue by Samantha Marchant. As the story escalates, you feel your heart beat a bit faster, and before you know it, something happens. Great work!

    Suspenseful, well paced monologue by Samantha Marchant. As the story escalates, you feel your heart beat a bit faster, and before you know it, something happens. Great work!

  • Joe Swenson: Eden 2

    Excellent read. I’m a huge fan of biblical hyperbole and Morey Norkin takes it to a fantastical level. Weaving a little knowledge, sprinkling some irony there, but ultimately conversing with a deity that has given up on mankind. It’s quirky, smart, funny, and damning. Brilliant work.

    Excellent read. I’m a huge fan of biblical hyperbole and Morey Norkin takes it to a fantastical level. Weaving a little knowledge, sprinkling some irony there, but ultimately conversing with a deity that has given up on mankind. It’s quirky, smart, funny, and damning. Brilliant work.

  • Joe Swenson: The Subtle, Sublime Transformation of Benny V.

    There were about 500 moments in Steven G. Martin's marvelous play where I thought I'd tear up, and they were there. Then something funny, or uncomfortable, or surprising would happen and the tear that was there would be held hostage by the playwright. There are so many delightful theater items, too many to build into this finite recommendation. Benny V is an amazing character, well built, well defined, and an unlikely protagonist in a lot of ways. The co-workers, the blood-noses, the sublime ways his life changes, and the entire time you only mostly know what's going on! AWESOME!

    There were about 500 moments in Steven G. Martin's marvelous play where I thought I'd tear up, and they were there. Then something funny, or uncomfortable, or surprising would happen and the tear that was there would be held hostage by the playwright. There are so many delightful theater items, too many to build into this finite recommendation. Benny V is an amazing character, well built, well defined, and an unlikely protagonist in a lot of ways. The co-workers, the blood-noses, the sublime ways his life changes, and the entire time you only mostly know what's going on! AWESOME!

  • Joe Swenson: Fiery Hope - Monologue

    1902 New York City and Elisabeth Speckman successfully takes the audience back in time. Through the eyes of Lillian Wald we come to understand the heroism and hopeful purpose of nursing. Elisabeth captivates your mind and your imagination with an incredibly layered character. To be sure that you aren't missing the point, the story of the 6 year old girl, brings it home. This is an incredible show.

    1902 New York City and Elisabeth Speckman successfully takes the audience back in time. Through the eyes of Lillian Wald we come to understand the heroism and hopeful purpose of nursing. Elisabeth captivates your mind and your imagination with an incredibly layered character. To be sure that you aren't missing the point, the story of the 6 year old girl, brings it home. This is an incredible show.