Recommended by Claudia Haas

  • Cute Girl in the Third Row (10 Minute Play)
    18 Apr. 2024
    Reality check for actresses. Imagine studying the classics and when you leave school, get an agent, and you’re still cute as all-get-out, but all your auditions consist of “cute girl in the third row.” Morgan skewers tentative actress friendships, casting calls and the life of an actress that you may deem satire but actresses will yell “truth.” This is such a good introduction to theatre for female university students. Fun with a touch of the scary. Ominous with a touch of the silly.
  • Bravery and the Saboteur - A Ten Minute TYA Play
    18 Apr. 2024
    A beautiful rendering of a child’s anxiety and how it feeds and festers. Puppetry creates both an arena of safety and menace as “Charley” navigates tricky territory trying to befriend someone new. The world can be a puzzle for young people and Lofredo pieces together a poignant tale of overcoming fear to become a friend.
  • It Was An Accident
    18 Apr. 2024
    We live in a world where innuendo soon becomes fact and LaValle cleverly makes this come alive. Or kicks the life out of it. The inter-weaving of truth with fiction and speculation is both clever and absurd. One thing is certain, eavesdropping can be an amazing sport. Audiences would love to be in on this “private conversation.”
  • alex getting better
    7 Apr. 2024
    Lang’s evocative, nuanced play shows us that memory may be imperfect for some but a memory of trauma is real to all. Denial, acceptance, wishing it away are all devices to try and heal. But Lang proves that healing is not easy. It comes at a cost. But that doesn’t mean one shouldn’t strive to cope, understand and try to pickup the pieces. The language is teen-speak, the reality is raw and the play unveils truths that should be heard.
  • JONNA/JACK (award-winning one-act play)
    7 Apr. 2024
    Can the past create hope for the future! Are there soulmates? Rose creates a grand sweeping story in a short one act that speaks of love, redemption and what is everlasting. Not a small feat for a large and expansive play.
  • Something is Rotting on the Stage of Glenmark
    7 Apr. 2024
    You’ll never look at the Ghost in Hamlet the same way again. Same goes for Hamlet, an audition, a Shakespeare quote. I could go on. Let’s just say Preuss’s play is life-altering. In the most wickedly, funny way.
  • Vegetables are Revolting!
    7 Apr. 2024
    Until you read this pease on vegetables, you don’t know squash. It’s all here: the corny, the stringy, the starchy. The ending is a priceless groaner. Enjoy! Better yet - produce it!
  • The Beatrix Potter Defense Society
    6 Apr. 2024
    “This is more than creating drawing. You are creating worlds. Characters. Stories. A place of your own where you can right the wrongs you see.” A lovely two-hander where we get a glimpse into the early Beatrix Potter, her passions and how she changes the life of a woman with similar passions but has put away her dreams. A look at two women in different stages of life who have much to offer each other and the world. Witty wordplay, unexpected twists, and a fresh look at female friendship makes for a charming play with a welcome feminist twist.
  • A Lesson in Physics
    5 Apr. 2024
    You know those ships in a bottle and you wonder how it got in there? Duprey offers a solution. According to the laws of physics, it should work. Entertaining and original and maybe scientific - a play for fun, science, and an oddball but engaging romance.
  • Portals
    5 Apr. 2024
    “How can I leave the unknown?” How many of us have struggled with that? Wild has higher stakes than we may be used to but the universal truth of safety with the known versus the unknown is a force to be reckoned with. Friendship, fear, blazing new trails - Wild’s play offers new perspectives.
