Recommended by Claudia Haas

  • The Edible Complex
    7 Feb. 2018
    Cheeseburgers and brownies speak to ten-year old Anna in this sweet play that hits a lot of food-truisms without hammering a message. Anna is on track to be a chef until she discovers her Mom's magazines and photos of skinny, unsmiling women who are the "beauty norms of the day." Anna's relationship with food becomes complicated. This play is a charmer and addresses food and how we deal with it in a way that is accessible and humorous for young audiences. A perfect play for touring and discussions.
  • Cheerleaders VS Aliens
    6 Feb. 2018
    You have to love a play where the football players are the victims and the cheerleaders are their saviors. There's a lot of silliness combined with teen-speak, snarky dialogue that perfectly captures the teen spirit. I loved the constant element of surprise that awaited me with every page turn. Bublitz deftly steers away from the jock/mean girl stereotype that often peppers these plays and offers us some real teens: warts and all. The play is a wonderful tin-foil romp through the stars. Teen performers and young audiences will love this.
  • The Viking Suicides
    6 Feb. 2018
    As we increasingly live in a world where truth and satire are blurred, Sapio offers up the perfect play for these times. Nothing is sacred. Families (and their values), the media (of course), privilege, education and even heritage are skewered in this rich, dark comedy. While the play is satiric in nature, we get welcome glimpses of the early realities of the characters that have brought them to the brink. The roles are rich and well-defined. I see a lot of healthy discussion generated through development and productions of this play.
  • Nico was a Fashion Model
    2 Feb. 2018
    This is a smartly written play for teen actors. The theme of racial identity is thoughtful and written with care. I invested in all three characters even when they behaved badly. The plot twists and turns kept me thoroughly engaged from page one to the end. The punk rock suggested throughout the play is a wonderful enhancement and provides a framework for understanding the characters. I would so like to see this play on its feet.
    1 Feb. 2018
    Future, Here is a terse thriller - right from the beginning. Five students enter and look at a clock and it's ticking down. They've been sequestered together for twelve years and when the clock ticks down to zero - they will be separated. Every teen fear is eloquently stated as the students figure out how they will find their way in the world without each other. It's an excellent choice for teen actors where everyone shines and the ending stops your breath.
  • Crystal Springs
    31 Jan. 2018
    Crystal Springs resonates on many levels. Cyber-bullying is on the rise and not likely to go away anytime soon. We know the outcome at the beginning and the play goes back in time to decisions made that could have prevented tragedy. All the characters save one are culpable. Most disturbing are the three adults who participated either by overprotection, insecurities, or simply wanting to be liked/popular. This play inspires discussion and schools would do well to produce this.
  • Tidal (formerly Renovations)
    27 Jan. 2018
    Every shorewalker needs to see this play. What starts out as a quirky, physical comedy between sea creatures becomes very high stakes as the tide rolls in. A beautiful piece for young audiences about the care of our planet. It manages to show us the results of our actions without one word of preaching.
  • The Festial Quartet - a play for Soprano, Alto, Tenor & Bass
    27 Jan. 2018
    Faith, loss, friendship and faith are just a few of the huge themes woven into this beautifully realized coming-of-age play. White taps into both the insecurities and the strong ties between close friends. As they deal with a loss, there are revelations that jar all of them. Funny, irreverent and achingly poignant, I clued into to each of the characters and wanted to continue with them on their journey after the play. The play contains beautifully realized characters for teens to play. Highly recommended.
  • The Great Steven Stravinsky
    26 Jan. 2018
    Magic and a first kiss bring enchantment. The magic doesn’t always go well and the kiss is an iffy proposition - at first. Bohannon captures the growing pains, the innocence and the wonder of this preteen couple. The addition of a younger sibling adds some chaos and conflict to both the kiss and the magic. It’s a charmer. I would love to see the different nuances between using adult actors versus young performers. Each cast would bring something different to the table.
  • Allie In Wonderland
    26 Jan. 2018
    This is a delightful revisit to Wonderland through the eyes of Allie (an older Alice obsessed with her technology). Faithful to the spirit of the novel, Robert has kept the nonsense and silliness of the Lewis's characters intact. Filled with chases, audience participation, squabbles, tea and cookies - there is something for every age to enjoy. The bonus is that during the course of the play, you root for everyone (including the Queen).
