Recommended by Claudia Haas

  • Claudia Haas: When You Are a Little Bit Older

    This play has so many twists and turns and crossroads and forks in the road - all while sitting in a movie theatre. Don't assume you know where it's going because it pauses and switches gears constantly - just as teens do. It's a delightful coming-of-age/slice of teen life filled with heart and honesty. Fun for the actors to do and equally delightful for their audiences.

    This play has so many twists and turns and crossroads and forks in the road - all while sitting in a movie theatre. Don't assume you know where it's going because it pauses and switches gears constantly - just as teens do. It's a delightful coming-of-age/slice of teen life filled with heart and honesty. Fun for the actors to do and equally delightful for their audiences.

  • Claudia Haas: Go Ask D'Alice

    Coping mechanisms can save you. In this unusual play, a woman has created bizarre but healing coping mechanisms to help guide her through grief and loneliness. There are two strong roles for women and a gem of a scene with a subtle reminder to not judge so quickly. Even as you laugh, you will find yourself touched in unexpected ways.

    Coping mechanisms can save you. In this unusual play, a woman has created bizarre but healing coping mechanisms to help guide her through grief and loneliness. There are two strong roles for women and a gem of a scene with a subtle reminder to not judge so quickly. Even as you laugh, you will find yourself touched in unexpected ways.

  • Claudia Haas: Moon in a Barrel

    "There's a little bit of magic in that moon." And there's a lot of magic in Moon in a Barrel. It combines the best of fairytales and even better - there is no message. Just pure zany fun. I'd love to see an anthology of Hermann and Faye stories.

    "There's a little bit of magic in that moon." And there's a lot of magic in Moon in a Barrel. It combines the best of fairytales and even better - there is no message. Just pure zany fun. I'd love to see an anthology of Hermann and Faye stories.

  • Claudia Haas: Putt-Putt

    New advertising brilliance: 18 holes of mini golf where the first nine are biblically-themed from the old testament and the last nine are from the new testament. And - if you get a hole in one - the whale vomits up Jonah. You have to love a play that combines putt-putt with the Bible. Silliness is everywhere, secrets are confessed and when you're done grinning with the play - it suddenly all seems plausible. It's a welcome addition to a short play festival.

    New advertising brilliance: 18 holes of mini golf where the first nine are biblically-themed from the old testament and the last nine are from the new testament. And - if you get a hole in one - the whale vomits up Jonah. You have to love a play that combines putt-putt with the Bible. Silliness is everywhere, secrets are confessed and when you're done grinning with the play - it suddenly all seems plausible. It's a welcome addition to a short play festival.


    Two sisters are on a slippery slope and their falling and failing. It's heartbreaking because in a short period of time you have come to care about them and see how much they care about each other. The play does a beautiful job of giving circumstances through show and not tell.

    Two sisters are on a slippery slope and their falling and failing. It's heartbreaking because in a short period of time you have come to care about them and see how much they care about each other. The play does a beautiful job of giving circumstances through show and not tell.

  • Claudia Haas: Promised Lands

    "America divided themselves enough where American could be America." An indictment on the upheaval of our times - extremists in race, religion and sexuality have their own lands - complete with borders and never the twain shall meet. All are accepted within their borders. Separatism rules the day. It's as if the differing comment sections on online news outlets each have their own country. There are two meaty roles for actors with twists and turns for the audience. Intriguing political theatre for these tenuous days.

    "America divided themselves enough where American could be America." An indictment on the upheaval of our times - extremists in race, religion and sexuality have their own lands - complete with borders and never the twain shall meet. All are accepted within their borders. Separatism rules the day. It's as if the differing comment sections on online news outlets each have their own country. There are two meaty roles for actors with twists and turns for the audience. Intriguing political theatre for these tenuous days.

  • Claudia Haas: ROOM 27

    This is an insightful imagining of the "Club 27," a club no aspiring musician hopes to join. As seven iconic musicians wait (and wait) to play their concert (most have been waiting for decades), hope walks in the door. The play touches on the state of rock 'n roll both "then" and now," the life of the musician who's "made it," the absence of hope and the need to keep hoping. It's a perfect match for universities (all the actors are 27) and ideal for multi-generational audiences. Everyone knows their music. Researching the play would be a joy.

    This is an insightful imagining of the "Club 27," a club no aspiring musician hopes to join. As seven iconic musicians wait (and wait) to play their concert (most have been waiting for decades), hope walks in the door. The play touches on the state of rock 'n roll both "then" and now," the life of the musician who's "made it," the absence of hope and the need to keep hoping. It's a perfect match for universities (all the actors are 27) and ideal for multi-generational audiences. Everyone knows their music. Researching the play would be a joy.


    This is such an active monologue - perfect for an audition. It grows and sputters and purrs and shouts. There is so much at play. I loved that there were surprises along the way and how the ending grabs you.

    This is such an active monologue - perfect for an audition. It grows and sputters and purrs and shouts. There is so much at play. I loved that there were surprises along the way and how the ending grabs you.

  • Claudia Haas: Swimming Upstream

    This is a delightful, quirky romantic comedy using science as its base. The play manages to braid together salmon, superheroes and Ronald Reagan and have it all make sense. The dialogue is smart, the characters grab you and in the end, you want to learn more about everyone in the play including the salmon.

    This is a delightful, quirky romantic comedy using science as its base. The play manages to braid together salmon, superheroes and Ronald Reagan and have it all make sense. The dialogue is smart, the characters grab you and in the end, you want to learn more about everyone in the play including the salmon.

  • Claudia Haas: You Can See All the Stars

    The sounds of beating wings. A college student who writes all the things she did wrong on the night she was raped. The imagery of stars in the sky and the dark below all underscore Ana's journey after a rape she know happened but can't remember. The play addresses with heart and thought our problem of rape on college campuses: the difficulty of prosecution, the somewhat complicity of the university to shield the perpetrator and the conflicts within the witnesses. It's a play that should be widely produced by colleges and high schools.

    The sounds of beating wings. A college student who writes all the things she did wrong on the night she was raped. The imagery of stars in the sky and the dark below all underscore Ana's journey after a rape she know happened but can't remember. The play addresses with heart and thought our problem of rape on college campuses: the difficulty of prosecution, the somewhat complicity of the university to shield the perpetrator and the conflicts within the witnesses. It's a play that should be widely produced by colleges and high schools.