Recommended by Claudia Haas

  • Claudia Haas: Flight

    The play has characters in flight both from themselves and from their past. While a sense of loss haunts the characters, their methods of finding their way back are highly imaginative and poignant. The stakes are high for each character which makes for a fast-moving play that thoroughly engages you.

    The play has characters in flight both from themselves and from their past. While a sense of loss haunts the characters, their methods of finding their way back are highly imaginative and poignant. The stakes are high for each character which makes for a fast-moving play that thoroughly engages you.

  • Claudia Haas: Ten Mile Lake

    The themes of the play touched a lot of my nerve endings. I was drawn into the father-daughter relationship, the combination of "wanting to stay away from home" and "needing to return home" and ultimately - the need for reconciliation at some point in our lives. The characters are very human - flawed but striving to do better. Audiences members will find much to relate to and much to think about when they leave the theatre.

    The themes of the play touched a lot of my nerve endings. I was drawn into the father-daughter relationship, the combination of "wanting to stay away from home" and "needing to return home" and ultimately - the need for reconciliation at some point in our lives. The characters are very human - flawed but striving to do better. Audiences members will find much to relate to and much to think about when they leave the theatre.