Recommended by Monica Cross

    1 Oct. 2020
    MISSED CONNECTIONS is absolutely delightful! Marj O'Neill-Butler gives us a quirky meeting with lots twists and turns. This is a play about chance meetings and mistaken assumptions. Don't miss this play!
  • DORM PARTY (A Zoom Play)
    1 Oct. 2020
    DORM PARTY is such a cute zoom play! Scott Mullen makes the awkward into the adorable. You will fall in love with these two college students! Great for students and perfect for zoom. READ THIS PLAY! PRODUCE THIS PLAY!
  • Your First Pet and the Street You Grew Up On
    30 Sep. 2020
    YOUR FIRST PET AND THE STREET YOU GREW UP ON is a powerful 2-hander about prejudice and acceptance. DC Cathro defies expectations throughout this 10-Minute play. This play has great visual elements and meaty parts for both actors. Bravo. HIGHLY RECOMMENDED!
  • Family Visitation (Ten Minute)
    29 Sep. 2020
    FAMILY VISITATION is an absolutely gut wrenching play! Paul Donnelly brings us right into horrors of the HIV/AIDS epidemic and the atrocities committed by those who were supposed to be there to help. HIGHLY RECOMMENDED!
  • Wands Have More Fun
    26 Sep. 2020
    BIBBIDI-BOBBIDI-BOOS is a delightful romp through fairytales and pop-culture. Allison Fradkin queers this classic in fantastic ways. The wordplay is exquisite and characters are delightful. Two fantastic roles for middle-aged women! HIGHLY RECOMMENDED!
  • Death is a Star
    22 Sep. 2020
    DEATH IS A STAR is a roller coaster of slowly dawning realization turned horror! Who is the glorious person who is center spotlight and and why am I being made ever more uncomfortable by their talk of success? And then the realization hits all at once! Ruben Carbajal does a great job of blending celebrity culture and social commentary. Well done. Great Read! Would be a fantantic zoom/digital performance piece!
  • I mean...meow?
    19 Sep. 2020
    DELIGHTFUL! Megan Ann Jacobs creates a playful depiction of the frustrations of working from home in this one minute play. I MEAN...MEOW? is absolutely priceless! And great for a physical actor! Read it! and if you are able, PRODUCE THIS PLAY!
  • From Dust We Are
    18 Sep. 2020
    FROM DUST WE ARE takes a disturbing trip to the end of the world! Austin Hendricks creates an unsettling encounter between possibly the last two people on earth. Disturbing and incredibly visceral. This play begs the questions, "Might it not be better to let the human line end here?" Highly Recommend!
  • AND THE UNIVERSE SAID “i love you.”
    18 Sep. 2020
    AND THE UNIVERSE SAID "I LOVE YOU." is a touching sibling story. The sparse dialogue punctuates moments of extremely expressive movement. Austin Hendricks touch the heart of sibling rivalry and devotion. Check out this gorgeous short play! Highly Recommended!
  • DO OVER - a 30 minute drama for four characters
    17 Sep. 2020
    DO OVER is offers a glimpse into what awaits us after death, and how our choices get us there and carry us beyond! Arianna Rose creates a fully fleshed out afterlife, complete with a stocked bar. These characters have some mighty strong wants, and the stakes are literally life and death! Well Done!
