Recommended by Molly Wagner

  • Molly Wagner: Peas in the Fried Rice

    This play hilariously depicts the troubles of going out to eat. I love the snappy dialogue and the way the characters are quick to point out the ordering flaws in their cohorts while failing to realize their own.

    This play hilariously depicts the troubles of going out to eat. I love the snappy dialogue and the way the characters are quick to point out the ordering flaws in their cohorts while failing to realize their own.

  • Molly Wagner: Top Shelf Tolstoy

    At first this library seems like a dream come true, until you realize all of the costs that come along with it. This play does an incredible job of reminding us the things we can find in a good book, and sometimes a good martini too.

    At first this library seems like a dream come true, until you realize all of the costs that come along with it. This play does an incredible job of reminding us the things we can find in a good book, and sometimes a good martini too.

  • Molly Wagner: Escobar's Hippo

    I was not expecting to contemplate the fundamentals of human instinct while also reading about a literal poop fan, but here we are. This play is an absolute delight. I learned so much about humanity, society, and of course, hippos. I loved that we met our main characters with their flaws first and I got so excited every time the mayor and the townspeople showed up on the page. So good!

    I was not expecting to contemplate the fundamentals of human instinct while also reading about a literal poop fan, but here we are. This play is an absolute delight. I learned so much about humanity, society, and of course, hippos. I loved that we met our main characters with their flaws first and I got so excited every time the mayor and the townspeople showed up on the page. So good!

  • Molly Wagner: Phillie's Trilogy

    The world of this play is so rich and entrenched in history and dynamic characters. The complexity of Barbie and Phillie's relationship is so heartbreaking but incredibly supported by the environment they grew up in.

    The world of this play is so rich and entrenched in history and dynamic characters. The complexity of Barbie and Phillie's relationship is so heartbreaking but incredibly supported by the environment they grew up in.

  • Molly Wagner: Intermission

    I could not stop smiling the entire time I read this play! The premise was super intriguing but the characters are what really brings this story to life. I would love to see a production of this, and hope I get to soon because this one would be great for any theatre to produce!

    I could not stop smiling the entire time I read this play! The premise was super intriguing but the characters are what really brings this story to life. I would love to see a production of this, and hope I get to soon because this one would be great for any theatre to produce!

  • Molly Wagner: An Appreciation

    This play is such a delight! I really enjoyed getting to know the patrons at the beginning, which made the reveal all the more sweeter. This would be such a fun play to be in the audience for.

    This play is such a delight! I really enjoyed getting to know the patrons at the beginning, which made the reveal all the more sweeter. This would be such a fun play to be in the audience for.

  • Molly Wagner: The Quarantine

    Oh man, I didn't know a play could rip out my heart and put it back together all within the span of one minute.

    Oh man, I didn't know a play could rip out my heart and put it back together all within the span of one minute.

  • Molly Wagner: a witness

    A compelling and heartbreaking piece! I loved the complexity of each of the characters and the way the relationships intertwined and built off of one another. Through each character we saw vastly different approaches to grief, death, regret, and re-building.

    A compelling and heartbreaking piece! I loved the complexity of each of the characters and the way the relationships intertwined and built off of one another. Through each character we saw vastly different approaches to grief, death, regret, and re-building.

  • Molly Wagner: Viral Love

    Such a sweet look at what dating looks like in these times, fraught with the new challenges and new and real dangers. A beautiful snapshot in time!

    Such a sweet look at what dating looks like in these times, fraught with the new challenges and new and real dangers. A beautiful snapshot in time!

  • Molly Wagner: Status

    I love the way this play exposes the fact that you can see a person's character within the utterance of a few powerful words.

    I love the way this play exposes the fact that you can see a person's character within the utterance of a few powerful words.