Recommended by Lee R. Lawing

  • Miss R.R.Hood Versus The Wolf.
    20 Sep. 2021
    I always enjoy the new takes on the old fairy tales, and this one is no different. Breezy and modern with a twist that I didn't see coming which is always a welcome delight!
  • A Love Song For Dodi Fayed
    18 Sep. 2021
    That day was one of those that I still remember where I was and what I did. Getting the newspaper at the front door of the apartment and that shocking headline because she was the people’s princess and with a beating heart unlike all those other royals. Even if I put the queen on repeat it will never convince me that the queen was that caring or loving. But Diana was everything and what the world needed at the time. That headline screamed volumes that day but I feel that she made a difference that will never seem old
  • Mountain Dew
    17 Sep. 2021
    It amazes me that so much our history was pushed aside, especially while I was coming through the school system. Thankfully I did have the craving for knowledge that was beyond the pale of what I was spoon fed. That hunger made me read the histories of other cultures and people that were not just white. Diamond's play touches on this with Tanya's awakening and we are brought into another realization that there is still so much to learn and know and having a little help makes all the difference!
  • Ten Inches are Two Lifetimes [a 1-minute play]
    17 Sep. 2021
    Whenever you read a play by Martin you can expect to be dazzled and sometimes you are amazed at what you just read. His play Art was one of the first plays I read on NPX that showed me there is possibility in any topic and this play here has once again made me think about the fragility of our own lives, of the seemingly worsening human condition and the hope that this is not the future we are getting and further more expecting without a fight.
  • A Quiet Place
    16 Sep. 2021
    Bullies are everywhere and it's far time that the non-bullies fight back. Lamedman gives us a setting of a library and you'd think that would be such a safe place but turns out not. A Quiet Place gives us a revenge fantasy come to life and it feels just right. Shhhh!
  • Monster Under the Bed (Monologue)
    16 Sep. 2021
    What a touching and sweet ode to parenthood. The Dad in this play made me fondly think of my dad as he was always the one who checked in on us no matter the situation. I like to think he would have slept in my bed to protect me from the monsters out there!
  • Given Away
    15 Sep. 2021
    We all wish for a little acceptance which if we don't get, can knock us down a limb or two. Lam's Given Away gives a whole new meaning to crocodile smile and the great lengths people go to spare us their true emotions. I was raised with religion which I no longer use or believe in, but I still put on that smile for a lot of people when necessary because as Claire shows her new daughter-in-law, it's a much better way to keep the family tied together in a "love" knot instead of a straight-jacket.
  • Animal Attraction
    12 Sep. 2021
    This play captures first dates so perfectly. They're hard usually. Getting to know another human shouldn't be so hard, but with so much various baggage all of us carry into the situation, it's probably one of the hardest things we'll all face. Holland's Animal Attraction is a bit of perfection in the set-up and the ending is one that will make me smile for a long, long time. Bravo!
    7 Sep. 2021
    We've all had those shows or books where we just want to scream at them for not giving us what we think they should or worse where the writer just skips down a path of sexism, racism or so many other isms that there are out there that make us cringe when we read about them. Cross ups the ante in her delicious revenge comedy where a writer is trapped in a refrigerator and the payback is so fun to watch!
  • Fable Group
    7 Sep. 2021
    This is a funny play that spotlights such a horrible subject. Childhood trauma is something that can be so difficult to leave behind or work through. Martineau presents all those famous fable characters who definitely had traumatic childhoods, something of them so horrible that it's amazing that we still have their fairy tales around to past down to all the the new generations.
