Recommended by Ross Tedford Kendall

  • Ross Tedford Kendall: THE CAKE

    Memories are powerful forces that shape our present, and this short little play proves that premise. I love the interaction between the two brothers and how evocative their descriptions are of what happened. A nice little play.

    Memories are powerful forces that shape our present, and this short little play proves that premise. I love the interaction between the two brothers and how evocative their descriptions are of what happened. A nice little play.

  • Ross Tedford Kendall: Shitty Catholic School Sex

    A stunning little play that shows us that sexual assault comes in many forms. The quiet devastation of the aftermath is rendered in just a few pages. A work that everyone should read and that every theatre should perform.

    A stunning little play that shows us that sexual assault comes in many forms. The quiet devastation of the aftermath is rendered in just a few pages. A work that everyone should read and that every theatre should perform.

  • Ross Tedford Kendall: "... time's up" (10 minutes)

    From the opening, I was kept off guard, and the twists and turns only mounted from there. Every line seemed to build towards something, and yet I didn't know quite what it would be. Comic and yet suspenseful.

    From the opening, I was kept off guard, and the twists and turns only mounted from there. Every line seemed to build towards something, and yet I didn't know quite what it would be. Comic and yet suspenseful.

  • Ross Tedford Kendall: Closet Cat (monologue)

    A great little reminder of the effects of the pandemic and that not just humans are feeling this. I particularly like the little turns this minute long monologue does, and how complete the whole thing is. The minute long play is alive and well!

    A great little reminder of the effects of the pandemic and that not just humans are feeling this. I particularly like the little turns this minute long monologue does, and how complete the whole thing is. The minute long play is alive and well!

  • Ross Tedford Kendall: My Struggle

    Playwright Sansone-Braff does a fantastic job combining humor, tragedy, and drama in this radio play. Using just words and sound effects, and very vivid narration, the play describes in great detail an incident rooted in history. The narration puts you right in the story, painting a complete picture that is startling and will stay with you long after the closing lines.

    Playwright Sansone-Braff does a fantastic job combining humor, tragedy, and drama in this radio play. Using just words and sound effects, and very vivid narration, the play describes in great detail an incident rooted in history. The narration puts you right in the story, painting a complete picture that is startling and will stay with you long after the closing lines.

  • Ross Tedford Kendall: The Chevelle

    What I like about this is that the play doesn't spell it all out up front. It takes its time and lets you discover the situation as it unfolds. No wasted exposition, just subtle drama.

    What I like about this is that the play doesn't spell it all out up front. It takes its time and lets you discover the situation as it unfolds. No wasted exposition, just subtle drama.

  • Ross Tedford Kendall: GOODS

    A very creative take on many issues that our world faces. I found particularly exhilarating was that the play refused to ignore its characters in favor of the premise and setting. You have two very real people in an unusual setting. The play even finds drama in the mundane interplay, while presenting no easy answers when the two characters face a real crisis. Well done!

    A very creative take on many issues that our world faces. I found particularly exhilarating was that the play refused to ignore its characters in favor of the premise and setting. You have two very real people in an unusual setting. The play even finds drama in the mundane interplay, while presenting no easy answers when the two characters face a real crisis. Well done!

  • Ross Tedford Kendall: Samantha's Friend

    This is a fascinating play. I particularly liked how it moves through time to keep the suspense up. Definitely got a spooky vibe from this.

    This is a fascinating play. I particularly liked how it moves through time to keep the suspense up. Definitely got a spooky vibe from this.

  • Ross Tedford Kendall: The Disappearance of Greta

    A very tense and yet uplifting story that combines historical drama and fantasy. I particularly like the way the playwright ties everything together in the end.

    A very tense and yet uplifting story that combines historical drama and fantasy. I particularly like the way the playwright ties everything together in the end.

  • Ross Tedford Kendall: Prior Engagement (or the Stairwell Death Play)

    What I love about this play is its skillful presentation of the world without overburdening it with exposition. We learn as we go along, all the while the playwright ratchets up the conflict and the emotional response. The play then comes to a very satisfying and effective conclusion. Well done!

    What I love about this play is its skillful presentation of the world without overburdening it with exposition. We learn as we go along, all the while the playwright ratchets up the conflict and the emotional response. The play then comes to a very satisfying and effective conclusion. Well done!