Recommended by Sharai Bohannon

  • Gel Us
    5 May. 2018
    I really relate to this play on various levels and enjoy the smart, witty, and honest dialogue. Zubel nails some of my favorite types of friendships within 10 pages. Would love to see this produced in a festival somewhere.
    5 May. 2018
    This play is important and necessary. Hutton has written a one-act that addresses rape culture directly by showing how survivors are treated for coming forward. Watching HE turn HER words against her and rewrite the narrative to shift blame from the man who attacked her is gut wrenching and so sadly familiar. Hopefully, this play will continue being recognized and produced.
    5 May. 2018
    This is heartbreaking and deserves to be produced. Goldman-Sherman captures grief like nobody's business and tugs at all of our feelings. Highly recommended if you need a good cry, a good laugh while crying, or just need a solid 10-minute dramatic for 2 boys.
  • The Culture Board
    3 May. 2018
    This was a very unexpected ending to a script that packs a surprising punch. Way to punch us in the feels and bring up an important issue that all people having to negotiate how to communicate actual meanings around the censors. Looking forward to getting to know more of Rahn-Lee's work!
  • Dreams Deferred
    3 May. 2018
    I love that Daley-Sharif is tackling homelessness in a very in direct manner. We can't avoid making eye contact with this character or pretend we can't hear them because we're running late to an appointment somewhere. I would love to see this produced somewhere!
  • A Kiss is Just a Kiss
    3 May. 2018
    This is an amazing short piece that inspires new beginnings-at any age. It's adorable and empowering and possibly something we all need to read every once in a awhile. I live for these types of moments (in real life) and love when they're captured so beautifully on page. Bravo!
  • Suicide Hotline
    2 May. 2018
    This is a weird combination of dark comedy and a cute story. Very unexpected in a short 10-minute about a suicide hotline mix-up. Looking forward to reading more of McBurnette-Andronicos' work!
  • When I was a Child
    25 Apr. 2018
    This is heartbreaking and sadly probably an accurate account of what it's like to be a child during these terrifying times. Partain literally ripped me apart with only two pages. I look forward to reading more of their stuff once I piece myself back together.
  • Prince Nice Guy
    25 Apr. 2018
    This is a very charming and quirky tale. I like that it also provides a different perspective on these damsels in distress that need to be saved by princes. Looking forward to reading more of Hageman's stuff!
  • Really Adult
    25 Apr. 2018
    I love this play and how it captures that uncertainty of being twenty-something and awkward and poor and navigating unexpected situations. Bublitz has definitely captured a moment that hits entirely too close to home. I also love the last line's double meaning because it gives my imagination a glimpse into what's going to happen for these two.
