Recommended by Randy Hunt

    8 Oct. 2021
    What a fun one-minute read! I always appreciate a great final line, and Vivian delivers in this adorable piece.
  • Never Have I Ever 2047: A Zoom Play
    2 Oct. 2021
    NEVER HAVE I EVER 2047 is thought-provoking, intriguing, and fun. This play gives us a "what if...?" glimpse into one possible future. A clever concept, which is one of Steven Hayet's specialties. A fun read!
  • These Eyes (a monologue)
    1 Oct. 2021
    It's amazing how much emotion can be conveyed in a short piece like this. This monologue was wonderfully written, and is truthful and insightful. It starts with a gut punch and ends with the exact opposite of a gut punch -- eloquently and thoughtfully bookended.
  • Trouble in Deadwood
    21 Jul. 2021
    I was honored to play "Black Bart" in the inaugural production of this fun, interactive comedy-mystery show. The characters are super fun and the audience absolutely LOVED it. As an actor, I've done many shows over the years, but nothing quite like this. The mix of scripted dialog and improv is an adrenaline-producing combination that us actors live for. Bob has these types of scripts down to a science, and each one is equally fun and unique!
  • The Unfortunate Teller
    14 Jun. 2021
    What a fun, clever, and hilarious play! Literally laughed out loud a number of times. As an actor, I'd be *thrilled* to play either of the roles in this play, but in particular, "Friend" would be a hoot. Looking forward to reading more of Jeff's plays!
  • Familiar
    2 Nov. 2020
    Bob LeBlanc is a talented and versatile playwright, who consistently delivers a product that is top-notch. He can write a play that makes you laugh, make you think, or make you feel. FAMILIAR is no exception. It is a beautifully written and powerful short play that will, as the kids these days say, "hit you in the feels".
