Recommended by Hannah Lee DeFrates

  • Hannah Lee DeFrates: A True Ghost Story

    Chilling, reminiscent of creepy pasta stories, this piece is the perfect wholesome ghost story for those looking for tales of true encounters with the other side.

    Chilling, reminiscent of creepy pasta stories, this piece is the perfect wholesome ghost story for those looking for tales of true encounters with the other side.

  • Hannah Lee DeFrates: Faith, Trust and...

    Just think of a happy thought, any Happy little Thought...& you can fly.
    I adore the one-act version of this play, so obviously I am a big fan of this expanded full-length. FAITH, TRUST AND... takes all the whimsical characters we know and love, and drops them into a noir crime drama that keeps the audience on the edge of their seats. Rachel Feeny-Williams' characters are distinct and compelling, in a script so vivid and well-crafted it jumps off the page, making it so easy to visualize a fully-staged production.

    Just think of a happy thought, any Happy little Thought...& you can fly.
    I adore the one-act version of this play, so obviously I am a big fan of this expanded full-length. FAITH, TRUST AND... takes all the whimsical characters we know and love, and drops them into a noir crime drama that keeps the audience on the edge of their seats. Rachel Feeny-Williams' characters are distinct and compelling, in a script so vivid and well-crafted it jumps off the page, making it so easy to visualize a fully-staged production.

  • Hannah Lee DeFrates: The Alchemist's Gambit

    Save the endangered alchemists!
    With it's cartoon-like mad scientist and his subject- a man who'd prefer not to have his brain picked, this Frankensteiny farce is perfect for a dark and stormy night.

    Save the endangered alchemists!
    With it's cartoon-like mad scientist and his subject- a man who'd prefer not to have his brain picked, this Frankensteiny farce is perfect for a dark and stormy night.

  • Hannah Lee DeFrates: Gown

    I'm speechless. GOWN by Robert Weibezahl is a beautiful portrait of a mother-daughter relationship with a heartbreakingly bittersweet twist. I would love to see this show performed.

    I'm speechless. GOWN by Robert Weibezahl is a beautiful portrait of a mother-daughter relationship with a heartbreakingly bittersweet twist. I would love to see this show performed.

  • Hannah Lee DeFrates: Did you do the thing yet, Joe?

    Art imitates life imitates art.
    This absurdist comedy thriller is insane and hilarious.
    It'll leave you wondering if Joe, in fact, did the thing yet.

    Art imitates life imitates art.
    This absurdist comedy thriller is insane and hilarious.
    It'll leave you wondering if Joe, in fact, did the thing yet.

  • Hannah Lee DeFrates: Incendiary

    Wow. Just... I cannot stop thinking about this piece.
    Raw. Topical. Important. INCENDIARY.
    Wagner's contemporary tragedy takes up to a home where the heart isn't, with a family held together by mere straws. No one is safe when supposed foundations are flammable, when alleged voices of reason hold the matches. This socio-political allegory exposes it's cast of colorful characters to a real trial by fire. There is no time more relevant than right now to get heated (no pun intended?) about this play; every theater should be looking at this piece for their season. Highly recommend.

    Wow. Just... I cannot stop thinking about this piece.
    Raw. Topical. Important. INCENDIARY.
    Wagner's contemporary tragedy takes up to a home where the heart isn't, with a family held together by mere straws. No one is safe when supposed foundations are flammable, when alleged voices of reason hold the matches. This socio-political allegory exposes it's cast of colorful characters to a real trial by fire. There is no time more relevant than right now to get heated (no pun intended?) about this play; every theater should be looking at this piece for their season. Highly recommend.

  • Hannah Lee DeFrates: Wishes (a five minute play)

    The amount of emotions I just felt while reading this short. Wow! Magical and heartbreaking and bittersweet and beautiful. My wish is for everyone to read this...and a hot fudge sundae wouldn't hurt.

    The amount of emotions I just felt while reading this short. Wow! Magical and heartbreaking and bittersweet and beautiful. My wish is for everyone to read this...and a hot fudge sundae wouldn't hurt.

  • Hannah Lee DeFrates: No Clock In The Forest

    What power nostalgia carries, a longing for what we had and what we wished we would become.
    This play carries a bittersweetness that struck me at the core. Rosalind and Orlando, as I've never seen them before and a reminder that even though some things end, some traditions never do. Beautiful.

    What power nostalgia carries, a longing for what we had and what we wished we would become.
    This play carries a bittersweetness that struck me at the core. Rosalind and Orlando, as I've never seen them before and a reminder that even though some things end, some traditions never do. Beautiful.

  • Hannah Lee DeFrates: Body Horror

    This play is one for the girlies, and it's a big slay.
    What a fun coming of age comedy that does a great job balancing the genius of teenage girls with the naivety of youth.
    And then of course there's the "RELIGIOUS ECSTASY"?!
    The title might be BODY HORROR but this piece is a silly-goofy mood and it's so much fun!

    This play is one for the girlies, and it's a big slay.
    What a fun coming of age comedy that does a great job balancing the genius of teenage girls with the naivety of youth.
    And then of course there's the "RELIGIOUS ECSTASY"?!
    The title might be BODY HORROR but this piece is a silly-goofy mood and it's so much fun!

  • Hannah Lee DeFrates: Communal Table

    I had the pleasure of seeing this show live, and I've been thinking about it ever since.
    COMMUNAL TABLE by Jenny Lyn Bader is a hilarious comedy with such an interesting concept: Three strangers at the same table, finding common ground and driving each other crazy.
    All three characters are uniquely vibrant, and the way they respond to each other is so entertaining. The dialogue is flavorful (and thankfully skim-free, because skim should not be the default) and thought-provoking.
    I love this piece. Applause applause applause!

    I had the pleasure of seeing this show live, and I've been thinking about it ever since.
    COMMUNAL TABLE by Jenny Lyn Bader is a hilarious comedy with such an interesting concept: Three strangers at the same table, finding common ground and driving each other crazy.
    All three characters are uniquely vibrant, and the way they respond to each other is so entertaining. The dialogue is flavorful (and thankfully skim-free, because skim should not be the default) and thought-provoking.
    I love this piece. Applause applause applause!