Recommended by Jack Seamus Conley

  • Under the Floorboards
    21 Dec. 2021
    I had the absolute pleasure of directing this beautifully written piece for Rainy Day Artistic Collective. Equal parts haunting and heartbreaking, it is a stunning and rattling adaptation some of a literary giant’s most famous work — this can be difficult to tackle, but playwright Dana Hall has achieved a fresh and modern adaptation of it with amazing skill and grace. I highly recommend this piece, both for Edgar Allan Poe fans, and people who just want something that makes them thing, alike.
  • To The Moon!
    17 Nov. 2021
    This play is simply hilarious! I love the device of a “little white lie” going too far, and “To The Moon” employs it to great effect. Joe’s well-intentioned mishaps, and the other characters’ balance between critiques of his choices and encouragement to do what scares him, are both endlessly entertaining and make all of the characters very human. This would provide fun opportunities for actors and crew, and I’d love to see this piece produced!
  • Out, Out Damned Bird!
    17 Nov. 2021
    A one minute play is a tough thing to master, but this is a brilliant example of it done just right. “Out, Out Damned Bird!” is about so much more than it would seem at first glance, and that’s always a wonderfully exciting thing to discover. Nora Louise Syran has crafted a sharp, entertaining, thoughtful, and excellently written critique of gender dynamics that resonates deeply. The brief length of this piece only adds to its effectiveness, feeling complete and earned. Excellent work, highly recommend.
  • Brian's Poems
    17 Nov. 2021
    “Brian’s Poems” is a touching and humorous tribute to a person long past but not forgotten, and the subject matter is treated with a wonderful level of thoughtfulness and care. The pacing and dialogue are excellently crafted and feel at once naturalistic and poetic, and the characters all feel relatable and whole. This is a beautiful piece of work.
  • Because I Could Not Stop for Death
    15 Nov. 2021
    Clever, quick-witted, and entirely hilarious. Had me laughing out loud the whole time I was reading, and feeling endeared to both of the characters (who would have known Death could be so likable)? The script also touches on some deeper philosophical topics surrounding death and life/afterlife without taking away from the comedy elements or feeling too heavy. Brilliantly written and definitely highly recommended.
  • Wishes (a five minute play)
    15 Nov. 2021
    "Wishes" is an endearing, funny, and heartfelt take on the concept of a "do-over." I loved the characters and found myself rooting for them. Excellently done. Would love to see this performed!
  • Keep The Music Going
    15 Nov. 2021
    "Keep the Music Going" is a moving, reflective piece featuring relatable and realistically developed characters, an unlikely friendship, and a vividly developed world. Steven Hayet makes brilliant use of the digital medium and captivates audience attention from beginning to end, keeping us wondering what will happen next to Jessica and Lory. The heartbreaking yet hopeful note it ends on is just the icing on top. Beautiful work, and I'd love to see it produced someday.
  • Beneath The Ice
    15 Oct. 2021
    Beneath the ice is an edge-of-your-seat thrilling piece that provides plenty of twists (I particularly didn’t see the ending coming!) and a lot of vivid imagery that is sure to firmly capture the attention of reader and audience alike. The pacing and dialogue were strong, and each one of the roles would be great fun for an actor to step into. This would be a wonderful addition to a short play festival and I’d love to see it produced.
  • Lou And Bud Kill Their Dad
    14 Oct. 2021
    “Lou and Bud Kill Their Dad” is a haunting dark comedy that leaves you thinking about so much in such a short span of time. The dialogue is masterfully paced with vivid imagery and impeccable depth of character, and it leaves you both understanding the central characters and wanting to know more. DAN TANUBE has artfully laid bare the sometimes gritty intersections of trauma, freedom, and the drastic measures people can be driven to to get there. I especially loved the monologue work. Beautiful, would love to see it produced. Well done!
  • Citrus Fruits
    11 Oct. 2021
    This beautiful one minute play is vivid in its imagery, poetic in its language, and powerful in its subject material. With “Citrus Fruits,” ANDREW SIAÑEZ DE LA O renders an incredibly moving discussion of memory, grief, and nostalgia for times past, managing to fit an impressive amount into a short space without compromising artistry or form. I would love to see this performed— it’s a piece that will stick with me for a while. Beautifully done.
