Recommended by Jack Seamus Conley

  • Bird Brains Puts The Dog To Sleep
    14 Jun. 2021
    I've had the pleasure of seeing this piece produced twice-- once digitally and once live-- and it is thoughtful, poetic, and moving all in one. The abstract / surreal nature of the piece is a wonderful complement to the very real history behind the central topic being discussed (i.e. the AIDS crisis). This piece is more than worth the read whether you're interested in a different-than usual theatrical look at the AIDS crisis, a refreshingly intimate piece of Trans* theater, or just wanting a piece that will make you feel something. I highly recommend this piece.
  • The Home for Retired Canadian Girlfriends
    14 Jun. 2021
    This is a truly fun and hilarious play that offers a fascinating and fresh take on a common queer community trope (i.e. the "Canadian Girlfriend"). Beneath the witty surface, however, also lie some thought-provoking and touching messages about identity, finding oneself, and the bravery to stray from the path laid before you. Highly recommend.
