Recommended by Jack Seamus Conley

  • Blind No. 7
    15 Jun. 2021
    Love the father-son dynamic in this piece and always appreciate a good "dad joke." Philip Middleton Williams has rendered a believable and engaging family dynamic with this play, and the respect and love between the characters is clear. This piece creates a great opportunity for male-identifying actors to step into roles that center male family relationships without being stereotypical or toxic.
  • Bob's Last Day
    15 Jun. 2021
    Lovely ode to theater and everything that goes into learning the ins and outs of the trade, particularly for those who spend their time backstage. In this relatable and earnest (but still decidedly funny!) short comedy, Feeny-Williams has touched wonderfully upon the love, care, and understanding that goes along with passing on theatre traditions and knowledge from one "generation" to the next.
  • Milo & Murphy (10 minute play)
    15 Jun. 2021
    An engaging, earnest piece that strikes an excellent balance between being sharply funny and authentic in its use of drama and emotion. Milo and Murphy are both realistic, likable, believable characters and their encounter is both moving and entertaining in a way that makes you want to know more about them. Overall, a wonderful short piece that would give actors a lot to sink their proverbial teeth into.
  • Mina, Dina, Tina, and Bean’s Completely Average Pandemic Pod Powerpoint Party
    14 Jun. 2021
    Laugh-out-loud funny, unapologetically queer, and irreverent in the best of ways. There's a ton to like about this script, but the relatable personalities (as a young queer person I definitely have friends like each of the characters!) and masterful integration of PowerPoint make this a triumph as a Zoom play. The horror element is just a (very welcome) bonus.
  • Weaving a Tapestry (ten-minute play)
    14 Jun. 2021
    Cokinos has rendered a beautiful take on the complexities of grief, mother-daughter relationships, the question of how you know your life decisions are right, and moving on from the past. The metaphors of chairs and upholstery are masterfully rendered, and although I won't spoil it, I did not see the ending coming! This piece would be a great addition to a short play festival, and I'd love to see it performed someday.
  • OMG! The Deity Dish
    14 Jun. 2021
    In this short comedic piece Mabey has rendered a witty, incisive, and truly hilarious take on internet culture. This script would be easy to adapt to a digital or physical space, and the experimental nature of the work makes it a pleasure to experience. This piece also makes excellent use of the YouTube format and would be an especially wonderful fit for a digitally based theater festival, though I'd also love to see it rendered "live" in a physical space. Highly recommend.
  • For This Panic Attack
    14 Jun. 2021
    Other recommendations have aptly captured the skill, accuracy, and care with which Lang captures a panic attack in this short piece, though I do want to shout this out again as something that's one of this work's strongest attributes. Lang also renders a believable, refreshing, and endearing family in the characters of Milo, Hannie, and Nix, and I can't help but love them in part because they are so human. Beautiful work that is a great fit for a short play festival.
    14 Jun. 2021
    Love this piece! Incredibly creative female-centric take on Macbeth that is sure to delight Shakespeare lovers, witch enthusiasts, and appreciators of parody/comedy alike. I'm always enthralled by pieces that give additional voices to the more "minor" characters in well known tales, and "The Weird Sisters Go Rogue" does not disappoint.
  • MISS MITCHELL’S COMET (full-length)
    14 Jun. 2021
    Fascinating and well-rendered story about an important but not-well-enough-known figure in scientific history. The use of the supporting actor to play the whole cast of characters in Maria's life is an excellent move and really brings the focus on what matters: centering Maria Mitchell in a world that doesn't give her achievements enough credit. Fabulous piece, and I always love seeing amazing historical women centered.
  • Bird Brains Puts The Dog To Sleep
    14 Jun. 2021
    I've had the pleasure of seeing this piece produced twice-- once digitally and once live-- and it is thoughtful, poetic, and moving all in one. The abstract / surreal nature of the piece is a wonderful complement to the very real history behind the central topic being discussed (i.e. the AIDS crisis). This piece is more than worth the read whether you're interested in a different-than usual theatrical look at the AIDS crisis, a refreshingly intimate piece of Trans* theater, or just wanting a piece that will make you feel something. I highly recommend this piece.
