Recommended by Christopher Plumridge

  • Christopher Plumridge: And Then the Elements Spoke (10 min. - unless movement is included, then longer)

    I was drawn into read this due to the subject matter and the fact I have travelled across Botswana. This play is a beautiful piece of work by Rice, so profound and moving, such an important message. Seeing Pinkie stand up to Big Rig is truly a David and Goliath moment, the humor coming from Big Rig's suggestion to 'Rap it off' bought a welcome smile. I can see this being a very valid school production, which I would happily pay to watch. Wonderful!

    I was drawn into read this due to the subject matter and the fact I have travelled across Botswana. This play is a beautiful piece of work by Rice, so profound and moving, such an important message. Seeing Pinkie stand up to Big Rig is truly a David and Goliath moment, the humor coming from Big Rig's suggestion to 'Rap it off' bought a welcome smile. I can see this being a very valid school production, which I would happily pay to watch. Wonderful!

  • Christopher Plumridge: Psychic Healing

    This is a pleasant short play, I love the idea of a pet psychic, if I made contact with my old dog he'd probably tell me to let him sleep! I'm also sure if there are such things as pet psychics they must surely give peace to the pet owners. Nice play.

    This is a pleasant short play, I love the idea of a pet psychic, if I made contact with my old dog he'd probably tell me to let him sleep! I'm also sure if there are such things as pet psychics they must surely give peace to the pet owners. Nice play.

  • Christopher Plumridge: They Walk Amongst Us

    They Walk Amongst Us is truly chilling and at the same time darkly funny, it especially appealed to my sense of humour! Rachel has created each character perfectly and together they work well. I can clearly imagine this being staged, atmospheric dark lighting, maybe along the lines of a Tim Burton movie. Wonderful!

    They Walk Amongst Us is truly chilling and at the same time darkly funny, it especially appealed to my sense of humour! Rachel has created each character perfectly and together they work well. I can clearly imagine this being staged, atmospheric dark lighting, maybe along the lines of a Tim Burton movie. Wonderful!

  • Christopher Plumridge: Miss Conduct

    This is such a funny and darkly hilarious play, but at it's heart is sadness and bitterness about what the old producer has done. Clearly both characters are united in their anger about this mans actions, but what unfolds is genius, I can clearly visualize both characters in their mission to make amends, although each of their desired outcomes varies. Great fun!

    This is such a funny and darkly hilarious play, but at it's heart is sadness and bitterness about what the old producer has done. Clearly both characters are united in their anger about this mans actions, but what unfolds is genius, I can clearly visualize both characters in their mission to make amends, although each of their desired outcomes varies. Great fun!

  • Christopher Plumridge: The Bag Under the Bed

    I found this short play by DC Cathro hilarious to begin with, because it simply is, then I saw something deeper emerge, Verne and Elle's desire to reignite their desires. They were clearly in a rut and wanting to spice up their love life, and in doing so bringing them closer to each other. But at it's heart this play is purely great fun and I would love to produce it!

    I found this short play by DC Cathro hilarious to begin with, because it simply is, then I saw something deeper emerge, Verne and Elle's desire to reignite their desires. They were clearly in a rut and wanting to spice up their love life, and in doing so bringing them closer to each other. But at it's heart this play is purely great fun and I would love to produce it!

  • Christopher Plumridge: And Thus You Fly

    What a great little play this is with twists and turns throughout, written for zoom I'm sure it will be great to play out amongst fellow actors, however I can clearly visualise this on stage too. It could easily be a scene from the British sitcom 'Allo Allo' ! Great fun!

    What a great little play this is with twists and turns throughout, written for zoom I'm sure it will be great to play out amongst fellow actors, however I can clearly visualise this on stage too. It could easily be a scene from the British sitcom 'Allo Allo' ! Great fun!

  • Christopher Plumridge: Destiny is a Careless Waiter

    Destiny is indeed a careless waiter! What fun this is and so very fast paced that it made me rush to the unexpected ending! I nearly proposed to my wife this way, in a hotel in Madrid, but the waiter was elderly and not really with it, so I changed my mind last minute, reading this play I'm rather glad I did! Great fun play!!

    Destiny is indeed a careless waiter! What fun this is and so very fast paced that it made me rush to the unexpected ending! I nearly proposed to my wife this way, in a hotel in Madrid, but the waiter was elderly and not really with it, so I changed my mind last minute, reading this play I'm rather glad I did! Great fun play!!

  • Christopher Plumridge: Sondheim Syndrome

    Haha what a great idea this is, if only more people would catch Sondheim Syndrome the world would be a happier place! This play is such a fun read, highly recommended! If I catch Lloyd Webber Syndrome at my local real estate office I will have to ask "so what happens now?"

    Haha what a great idea this is, if only more people would catch Sondheim Syndrome the world would be a happier place! This play is such a fun read, highly recommended! If I catch Lloyd Webber Syndrome at my local real estate office I will have to ask "so what happens now?"

  • Christopher Plumridge: Believe Me

    How far would you go to protect your sibling, a difficult question surely? Rachel explores this with great effect, her character Lisa having such a predicament sprung her on in the middle of the night. I felt for her having to both take in the horror of the situation and to think quick. Equally gripping and moving!

    How far would you go to protect your sibling, a difficult question surely? Rachel explores this with great effect, her character Lisa having such a predicament sprung her on in the middle of the night. I felt for her having to both take in the horror of the situation and to think quick. Equally gripping and moving!

  • Christopher Plumridge: Childish Things

    I found this play equally engaging and moving, I can't help feel sorry for Jerry in his situation, trying to break his sad news to his daughter in such an odd way. A lovely short piece which still leaves me pondering....

    I found this play equally engaging and moving, I can't help feel sorry for Jerry in his situation, trying to break his sad news to his daughter in such an odd way. A lovely short piece which still leaves me pondering....